External Mail Notification - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

You can configure an external mail notification in order to make ad-hoc email sending more efficient. An external mail notification is an email template that can contain both default body text and a default subject. To configure a new notification, follow these steps:

  1. Click Printing | Email Notifications. The Email Notifications dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter a name for your notification and click Create.
  3. Select the notification and click Configure. The Notification Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  4. Enter text in the Subject and Message fields. You can also include Keyword Types as well as Keyword Type symbols that are described in the table below. To add a symbol, either click inside the field and type the symbol or click the symbol's button from the right side of the dialog box.

    In the Message field, you can use HTML tags to format your email notifications (including the font, embedded images, and logos). An <html> tag should designate the point you would like the HTML formatting to begin. For example: <html> <body> <font size="6" face="arial" color="red">Greetings, </font> <b>Sincerely,</b> <img src="logo.gif/> </body> </html> The client's default email format must be HTML.


    If you want to include the percent sign (%) in notification text, you must place two percent signs (%%) to represent that percent sign. If only one percent sign is entered, the percent sign will not display in the notification text.

    The following symbols can be used:




    Displays the Document Handle of the current document.


    Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.


    This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.


    Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

    %D or %D2

    Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.


    Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

    %I1 or %T

    Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.


    Displays a configured Keyword Value.


    Displays the keyword value of type ### n times. For example, %K101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type 101 for a single document.

    For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down list, enter the number of times you want the Keyword Type value to be displayed in the Repeat field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many instances of the Keyword Type values will be displayed. Entering an * character will pull all existing values of the Keyword Type for display.


    Displays the name of the document.


    Displays the number of notes present on the document.


    Displays the real user name (if configured) of the user who created the current document. If a real user name is not configured, a blank space will be displayed.


    Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.


    Displays the value of a configured property. For example, to display the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

  5. Use the Keyword Type drop-down list to add a Keyword Type to the message. The Keyword Itemnum number is displayed in parentheses next to the Keyword Type name. If the Keyword Type has multiple values on a document, specify the number of occurrences of the Keyword Value by entering a value in the Repeat field. You can choose to format Keyword Type values by selecting the appropriate option from the Formatting drop-down list. Options include Capitalize (%C)(capitalizes the first word of the value), Capitalize Words (%W)(capitalizes the first letter of each word in the value), Uppercase (%U)(all characters in the value are capitalized), or Lowercase (%L)(all characters in the value are lowercase). When the Keyword Type is selected, the symbol for the Keyword Type and the number of occurrences populate the Message field at the cursor location.
  6. If you are configuring multiple values for a Keyword Type to display, you can specify the characters that separate the values using the Keyword Separator and Last Keyword Separator drop-down lists. The options are a dash (-), a comma (,), and, and or. The Last Keyword Separator drop-down specifies the separator displayed between the last two values.

    Extra characters, such as '[', ']', '<', '>', will cause notifications to not send properly. Using prefixes such as "mail:" and "fax:" before email addresses will cause notifications to not send properly.