Print Queue Mapping - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

To add a new print queue to the workstation, select the print queue from the drop-down list or select a mapped print queue from the Print Queues Mapped box and click Configure. The Map Queue to Printer dialog box appears.

This box lists all the printers that are defined in the operating system on this workstation.

Each printer is listed with the port to which it will print. The printer selected is the printer that is currently associated with the print queue you selected. To map another printer to this print queue, simply select a different printer in the Printers Defined for this Workstation box and click Map.

To remove the connection of the printer with the print queue, click Unmap.


If a print queue is not mapped to a printer, the print queue automatically maps to the system default printer.

The Set to Default button on the Print Queue Mapping tab sets the print queue selected in the Mapped box as the default print queue when documents are selected to be printed.