Document Lock Administration - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Whenever a user opens a document no other user is viewing, a document lock is created for that user. This user can modify the document as needed. Other users accessing the document can view but not modify it.

Once a user with a document lock closes that document, the document is unlocked automatically. In some circumstances, a lock may need to be removed manually.

A user may be alerted to the presence of a document lock in different ways:

  • A document lock may not have been cleared, due to the system not closing properly in a previous session. A message is displayed to the user the lock belongs to when he or she logs in to OnBase.

  • A document lock may be in use by one user or may not have been cleared, due to the system not closing properly in a previous session. When any user attempts to modify the document or its Keyword Values, a message is displayed.


If a document is persistently checked out (with EDM Services) from any location, the document will be read-only from any client until the document is checked back in.

To view and remove document locks:

  1. Select Admin | Utilities | Document Lock Administration in the OnBase Client. The Document Lock Administration dialog box displays all documents in the database that are currently locked.
    • The User Name column displays the user name of the user that has the document locked.


      Depending on your system configuration, the real name of the user may be displayed in the User Name column.

    • The Date & Time Locked column specifies when the lock was created for the user.

    • The Doc Handle column specifies the Document Handle, the unique number used to identify the document within OnBase.

    • The Document Name column shows the name of the locked document. The lock is automatically released when the indicated user is finished with the document.


      The User Name, Date & Time Locked, and Document Name columns are sortable by clicking on the heading.

  2. To remove a lock, select it.

    You can select multiple locks simultaneously by pressing the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on a lock.


    Removing locks when a document is currently being accessed by a user may cause document changes to be lost. Locks should only be removed if the user's session is closed and the lock remains.

  3. Right-click and select Remove Selected.

    Select Refresh from the right-click menu to update the dialog box to reflect changes that may have occurred while the dialog box was open.