Creating or Modifying a Custom Import Format - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

To create or modify a custom import format:

  1. Select Admin | Import Manager from the OnBase Client.
  2. Select the appropriate company from the Company drop-down list.
    • To create a new format, select <Default> from the Format drop-down list and click New Format.

    • To modify an existing format, select the format to modify from the Format drop-down list and click Edit Format. You cannot modify the <Default> format.

    The Manage Import Formats window is displayed.


    For users familiar with previous versions of OnBase, the Manage Import Formats dialog performs the functionality of the four mapping buttons (Document Types, Note Types, Keyword Types, and Currency Formats).

  3. If you are creating a new format, enter a name for it in the Format Name field.

    The Company selection matches the company that was selected when you entered the Manage Import Formats window. To associate a format with a different company, select the new company from the Company drop-down list.

  4. Select Auto-Folder Documents under Options to ensure that documents are placed in the correct Folder structure upon import.

    By default, importing documents via the Import Manager does not trigger Auto-Foldering in the import system. Selecting Auto-Folder Documents allows Auto-Foldering to be triggered by the import process, but only if Auto-Foldering is configured for the Document Types in the import system.


    If Auto-Foldering is not configured in the import system for the imported Document Types, the documents are not placed into a Folder upon import. Contact your system administrator to determine the properties of specific Document Types.

  5. From the Items to Map drop-down list, select the items to map (Currency Format, Document Type, Keyword Type, or Note Type).
    1. When you select an item, a mappings list with two columns, Remote(the database on the CD/DVD) and Local(the database to which you are importing), is populated in the lower pane, with the current mappings of the corresponding type. You can sort the mappings list by clicking on the column headers.
    2. Click on a row in the mappings list and select from the Local Object drop-down list the Type to which you want the Remote Type to map.
    3. Click Assign to map the correspondence and add that Type to the system.

      These mappings equate data types found in the CD/DVD database with the data types found in the primary database. In order to import correctly, the settings of any remote Types must match the local Types to which they correspond. For example, if the remote Document Type has a Keyword Type Name that is set to 20 characters in length, and that Keyword Type also exists in the local system, but is set to only 15 characters in length, that Document Type will cause an error and not be imported.


      The import process will not import any objects that are mapped to <Do Not Import>, unless you are importing into an aggregate database. Aggregate publishing requires that the local database be exactly the same as the remote database. If the databases do not match, an aggregate import cannot take place.

    4. Continue assigning item mappings for each of the selections in the Items to Map drop-down list that you wish to map.
    5. Click Apply to save your changes and continue working.
    6. Click Save & Close to save your changes and return to the Import window. Your new or modified format is selected in the Format drop-down list.
  6. Click Import. The data is imported using the Document Type, Keyword Type, Currency Format, and Note Type mappings you set. These mappings are used to equate data types found in the CD's database with the data types found in the primary database.