Transaction Log Reports - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Transaction Log Reports dialog box is used to define the settings for generating a report of the actions that have occurred in the system.

To open the Transaction Log Reports dialog box, select Admin | Transaction Logs | Create Report in the Client module.

If you would like to view existing logs from a pre-5.0 system, click the Pre-5.0 Report button. For more information, see Pre-5.0 Transaction Log Reports.

  1. Choose a Transaction Log which you would like to view from the Transaction Log drop-down list. The options are as follows:
    • Document History

    • Processing

    • Security

    • Workflow User Events

    • Platter Management

    • VNA

    • System

    • Administration

    • Configuration

    • Document Distribution

    • Collaboration

    • Release of Information

    • Records Management

    • Confidentiality Code

    • Message Broker

    • Revenue Cycle Management


      Revenue Cycle Management actions are not supported.

  2. To review specific actions, highlight them from the Actions list and click View.
  3. To clear the highlighted actions, click Clear.
  4. To select an individual action type, click on that action type. Select one or more action types by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking.
  5. To de-select an individual action type, hold down the CTRL key and click on that action type.
  6. To see all actions in a report, click Select All to highlight all the actions. Click View to see all highlighted action types in the Transaction Log window.
  7. Selecting the Show Details check box will expand the actions list. A more detailed list of action types will be displayed that includes all subactions.

    Select this check box before making selections from the Actions list if you want more detail. If you make selections from the Actions list before selecting this box, and then decide to select it later, all of your Actions list selections will be cleared and you will have to repeat the selection process.

    Action Type


    Document History

    Document Create/Delete

    Displays actions dealing with the creation or deletion of documents.

    Document Modify Action

    Displays actions performed on a document that change it in some way, including re-indexing.

    Document Notes

    Displays note-related actions.

    Document Process Actions

    Displays actions performed on a document by a specific process, such as adding an electronic signature.

    Folder Activity

    Displays folder-related actions.


    Changes made to folder Keyword Values and folder dates in OnBase 8.2 and earlier are logged under the Modify Folder Keywords action. In OnBase 9.0 and later, changes to folder Keywords are logged under Added Folder Keyword and Deleted Folder Keyword, and changes to folder dates are logged under Modified Folder Date.

    Keyword Activity

    Displays keyword-related actions.

    Physical Records Management

    Displays Physical Records actions.

    Volume Tracking

    Displays actions that modified volume locators created using the MRMS Physical Chart Tracking module.


    Performed a Batch Operation

    Displays batch-related actions.

    Processed Format

    Displays repass processor actions.

    Processing Messages

    Displays processing messages.


    Changed Configuration

    Displays actions related to changes in configuration, including adding users or changing user privileges.


    Displays actions pertaining to licensing.

    Log in

    Displays login actions.

    Log out

    Displays logout actions.

    Workflow User Events

    User Actions

    Displays Workflow user actions.

    Platter Management

    Platter Management Errors

    Displays platter management error messages.

    Platter Management Messages

    Display non-error platter management messages.


    VNA Association Error

    Displays VNA errors for missing transfer syntax, missing or rejected presentation contexts, rejected destinations, and failed associations.

    VNA Configuration Error

    Displays VNA errors due to missing templates, missing DICOM tags, and unregistered or improperly configured destinations.

    VNA File IO Error

    Displays VNA errors for problems with file size, file creation, and disk group promotion.

    VNA General Error

    Displays VNA errors for problems with locked documents, keyword storage, DICOM data storage, and DICOM commit requests.

    VNA General Warning

    Displays VNA information about problems extracting certain keywords from tag data.

    VNA Security

    Displays information about VNA requests from unauthorized or unregistered Application Entities.


    Application Details

    Displays application details.

    Database Activity

    Displays database actions, such as upgrading the database.


    Displays processing actions.

    SAP Integration

    Displays SAP Integration details.


    Displays Application Server cache resets requested through OnBase Configuration.

    Started a Process

    Displays information about process initiation.


    Administrative Actions

    Displays information about administrative actions.

    Created a Report

    Displays information about when a report was created.

    Transaction/Workflow Log Events

    Displays Workflow log events.


    Document Retention

    Displays information related to modifying Document Retention settings for a Document Type.

    Modified Settings

    Displays information related to modifying the system configuration.

    Modified Unity Integration

    Displays information related to modifying Unity Integration settings.

    Modified Unity Script

    Displays information related to modifying Unity Project settings.

    Role Configuration Changed

    Displays information related to modifying Role configuration.

    Document Distribution


    Displays recipient-related actions, such as creating, deleting, or modifying recipients.

    Statement Generation/Distribution

    Records when a statement is generated. Now when rendering batches, the batch number will appear in the transaction log. When rendering a single statement the document number will appear in the transaction log. When rendering multiple statements the transaction log will state that multiple statements were rendered.


    Attribute Events

    Displays information about Attribute events.

    Meeting Events

    Displays information about meeting events.

    Search Events

    Displays information about search events.

    Template Events

    Displays information about template events.

    Thread Events

    Displays information about Thread events.

    User Events

    Displays information about user events.

    Workspace Events

    Displays information about Workspace events.

    Workspace Object Events

    Displays information about Workspace Object events.

    Release of Information

    Approval Actions

    Displays information about request approval actions.

    Batch Actions

    Displays information about batch retrieval actions.

    Request Delivery Actions

    Displays information about delivery actions.

    Request General Actions

    Displays information about general actions.

    Request Modify Actions

    Displays information about modify actions.

    Records Management


    Displays information about administrative actions.


    Displays information about errors.


    Displays information about posting of events.

    Folder Contents Changes

    Displays addition or removal of document in managed folders that are not open.

    Folder Transitions

    Displays information about folder transitions to different statuses.


    Displays information about placement and removal of holds.

    Keyword Type Changes

    Displays information about Keyword Type changes.

    Confidentiality Code

    Chart Confidentiality Code

    Displays information about the addition or removal of confidentiality codes at the medical chart level.

    Document Confidentiality Code

    Displays information about the addition or removal of confidentiality codes at the document level.

    Patient Confidentiality Code

    Displays information about the addition or removal of confidentiality codes at the patient level.

    Message Broker

    Message Broker

    Displays information about messages sent and received by the EIS Message Broker.

    Revenue Cycle Management

    835 Export

    This option is not supported.

    AR Transaction Import

    This option is not supported.

    Denial Remark Code Setting Copy

    This option is not supported.

    Host Import

    This option is not supported.

    Linker API

    This option is not supported.

    Patient Import (837)

    This option is not supported.

    Patient Import (Flat)

    This option is not supported.


    This option is not supported.

    RCM 835 Import

    This option is not supported.

    RCM BAI Import

    This option is not supported.

    RCM Batch File Import

    This option is not supported.

    RCM Create Flat Claim Documents

    This option is not supported.

    RCM Error Transaction Import

    This option is not supported.

    RCM Finance Import

    This option is not supported.

    RCM Insurance Company x BAI Processing

    This option is not supported.


    This option is not supported.

    Treasury Workstation

    This option is not supported.


    Available log options may depend upon which modules you have licensed.

  8. Select Search By: to further narrow down your report and viewing options. All of these options can be combined to narrow your search.
    • From the User Name drop-down list you can choose the user name of a specific user.


      Depending on your system configuration, the real name of the user may be displayed in the User Name drop-down.

    • From the User Group drop-down, you can select a specific user group.

    • If you selected Document History from the Transaction Log drop-down list, you can select the Selected Document Types radio button to filter your report by one or more specific Document Types. After selecting the Selected Document Types radio button, the Select Document Types button is enabled. Click this button to open the Package Document Type Selection dialog box and select one or more Document Types to be used when you generate your report.


      Any documents from the selected Document Type(s) that have been purged will not be included in the report.

      To include purged documents in the report, select the All Document Types radio button.


      The Document Type drop-down list is only available if Document History is selected from the Transaction Log drop-down list.

    • In the Dates - From/To fields, you can type dates which will limit the actions to only those selected actions that occurred during the specified time period, or select dates from the corresponding calendar.

  9. Select a method to Order by:
    • Choose No Order to keep your report or the Transaction Log window from being generated in any specific order.

    • The User option will organize your report or customized Transaction Log window alphabetically by the name of the user that performed the action.

    • If you have more than one action selected, you can choose the Action order preference for your report for viewing the Transaction Log window. This will group the highlighted actions into first to last order.

    • Choosing the Date option will order the transactions from most recent to oldest when reporting or viewing the transaction log. Even if multiple actions occur on the same date and time to the second, they will sort properly to show which event occurred first.

  10. Click Create Report to make a report of the action types you have chosen. This option will also store the report as a document to the Document Type SYS - Transaction Logs.