Configuring Currency Formats - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Currency Formats can only be assigned to a Keyword Type that uses a Currency Data Type. The Currency Format configures how the Keyword Value is displayed in the OnBase Client and Web Client.


Any unformatted currency will default to your Windows Regional Settings.


When using Unicode currency characters, you must use a Unicode database to ensure that these currency symbols are properly read and displayed. If an unsupported Unicode character is read in an ANSI database, the actual character may be replaced with a question mark (" ? ").

To configure a currency format for a Keyword Type:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Keyword | Currency Formats. The Currency Format Configuration dialog box is displayed:
  2. Type the name of the currency you wish to create and click Create. The Currency Format dialog box is displayed:

    The Examples section demonstrates how the values configured to use the Currency Format are displayed.

  3. Enter a value in the ISO Format Identifier field (optional).

    If a currency type is not formatted for decimals, trailing zeroes will automatically be added when viewing the Keyword Value in the Web Client.

  4. In the General Formatting section, you may select either or both of the following options:
    • Use Currency Symbol —Select this check box if the value uses a currency symbol, such as a $. Type the symbol used in the Symbol field.

    • Use Digit Grouping Symbol —Select this check box if the value uses a digit-grouping symbol. A comma (,) is commonly used as a digit-grouping symbol (i.e., 1,000,000). Type the symbol used in the Symbol field.


      The Digit Grouping Symbol and Decimal Symbol cannot be the same.

    • Digits in Group —Identifies the number of symbols that are separated by a digit-grouping symbol. This number is commonly 3 (e.g. 1,000,000). Enter the number in the Digits in Group field.


      When using the OnBase Client module, if the Digits in Group value is set to 0, the Client module will display an error message if any value containing the Digit Grouping Symbol or if a value greater than 999.99 is entered as the Keyword Value. When using the OnBase Web Client, if the Digits in Group value is set to 0, the Web Client will ignore the Use Digit Grouping Symbol setting.

    • Decimal Symbol —Identifies the symbol used to identify decimal value spacing. This symbol is commonly a period (.) (e.g. 1,000,000.99). Type the symbol in the Decimal Symbol field.


      The Digit Grouping Symbol and Decimal Symbol cannot be the same.

    • Decimal Places —Identifies the number of digits that follow a decimal symbol. Enter the number in the Decimal Places field. This number cannot exceed 2.

  5. If the Use Currency Symbol check box is selected, the options in the Positive Numbers section are enabled. Select one or both of the following options:
    • Symbol After Number —Select this check box for positive numbers in which the currency symbol is displayed after the number. (e.g. 1,000.00$).

    • Add Space for Symbol —Select this check box if there is a space in the text between the number and the currency symbol (e.g. $ 1,000.00 or 1,000.00 $).

  6. In the Negative Numbers section, select from the following options:
    • Negative Indicators —Select either the Minus Sign or Parentheses radio button to identify how a negative number is displayed.

    • Once a Negative Indicator radio button is selected, check one or more of the following display options for negative numbers:

      • Indicator After Number —Select this check box if the negative indicator symbol is to be displayed after the value.


        Applies to minus sign (-) only.

      • Symbol Inside Indicator —Select this check box if the currency symbol is to be displayed after the value and before the indicator (e.g. 1,000,000 $-).


        Applies to minus sign (-) only.

      • Symbol After Number —Select this option if the currency symbol is to be displayed after the negative number.

      • Add Space for Symbol —Select this option if a space ( ) appears after the currency symbol. (i.e., - $ 1,000,000).

  7. Click Apply. The currency format is now saved in the Currency Format Configuration dialog box for Defined Currency Formats.