Configuring Disk Group Settings - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Disk Group Settings dialog box lets you specify the size of the volume and the number of copies of data to maintain for each volume and can be accessed by selecting Disk Mgmt | Disk Groups in the Configuration module and clicking Settings. Settings specific to Export, Foreign, and Externally Filled copies are also configured at this dialog box.

To specify settings for the Disk Group:

  1. Select the size to be reserved for the volume in the Volume Size (kilobytes) section.

    The Volume Size (kilobytes) should equal the size of the smallest media that will be used for data files in the Disk Group and can be one of the following sizes:

    • CD: Select CD if you will be using CDs to back up the volumes of this Disk Group. This automatically sets the size of the volume to 500,000 kilobytes.

    • DVD Small File (25 K Avg): Select DVD Small File if you will be using DVDs to back up the volumes of this Disk Group. This setting assumes an average file size of 25 kilobytes and presets the total size of the volume to 3.8 gigabytes. The total volume size is preset by the system and cannot be modified.

    • DVD Large File (100+ K Avg): Select DVD Large File if you will be using DVDs to back up the volumes of this Disk Group. This setting assumes an average file size of 100 kilobytes or more and presets the total size of the volume to 4.0 gigabytes. The total volume size is preset by the system and cannot be modified.

    • BD Small File (25 K Avg): Select BD Small File if you will be using Blu-Ray Discs to back up the volumes of this Disk Group. This setting assumes an average file size of 25 kilobytes and presets the total size of the volume to 22.6 gigabytes. The total volume size is preset by the system and cannot be modified.

    • BD Large File (100+ K Avg): Select BD Large File if you will be using Blu-Ray Discs to back up the volumes of this Disk Group. This setting assumes an average file size of 100 kilobytes or more and presets the total size of the volume to 24.0 gigabytes. The total volume size is preset by the system and cannot be modified.

    • Custom: Select Custom to enter a specific total volume size, then enter the size in kilobytes in the data entry field. When configuring a custom size, the general rule for Disk Group volume size is to take the maximum amount of space on the media and subtract enough space to account for file-system overhead. The amount of space to reserve for overhead varies based on the media. For example, a 640 MB CD should be configured for a custom volume size of 500000(500,000 kilobytes).


      It is critical that the absolute limit of the media is not used for the volume size. Keep in mind that space is required on the media for the file allocation table. If the media has a set block size, multiple small files could actually take up more space. This could cause issues when going from one block-size media to another. Scanning also poses special considerations when computing volume size. Scanning always finishes a batch in whatever volume it started in, regardless of the volume size.

  2. Enter the Number of Copies(physical platters) of data to maintain for each volume. Every Disk Group must have at least one copy, and that copy must be Mass Storage. Mass Storage uses online storage, such as a hard drive or RAID.
    With the exception of a Foreign Disk Group, the remaining number of copies can be assigned in any combination of Mass Storage, Removable Media, Backup, or Externally Filled copies. Foreign Disk Groups are restricted to Backup copies only. The Disk Group type is configured later in this process.
  3. Select a user from the User Name drop-down list under Email Notifications to:. The user selected will be sent email notifications concerning Disk Groups, such as Disk Group volume promotion.

    Ensure that the user you select is assigned an email address in the User Settings dialog box. In addition, in order for this feature to be functional, E-mail and Fax Distribution Service must be installed.

  4. If your workstation has a license for Automated CD Authoring or Automated DVD Authoring, any copy that appears in the Backup Queue or Export Queue will be automatically backed up or exported to the configured CD-R or DVD-R. If you do not want a platter automatically backed up, select the Do Not Allow Automated Backups check box.
  5. The Foreign Disk Group check box is used when referencing files in a storage area not created by OnBase. Instead of processing these files and moving them into a Disk Group, only the index information and a simple reference to the file location is stored. This allows access to the files, without actually having to move them to a Disk Group location.
  6. Select the Enable File Deletion check box to allow OnBase to delete the physical files stored in Foreign Disk Groups as needed. This option is only selectable after the Foreign Disk Group has been created. All batches associated with the Disk Group must be committed before enabling deletion.

    All batches in the Foreign Disk Group must be committed before file deletion can be enabled for that Disk Group.


    Enabling file deletion for a Foreign Disk Group will prevent new files from being imported. This setting cannot be disabled once it saved.

  7. The Encrypted Disk Group options are only available if the database is licensed for Encrypted Disk Groups. See the Encrypted Disk Groups chapter in the Platter Management module reference guide for complete details regarding this option.
  8. The Number of Exports designates the number of copies that will be made of the volume when it is exported from the Platter Management window in OnBase(Export module required). If an Export copy is specified for a Disk Group, filled volumes will automatically appear in the Export Queue of the Platter Management window, and you can perform the exports directly from this queue.
    If you will not be exporting the data directly from the Disk Groups, then set this value to 0. Although Export copies will not be created in Platter Management, documents can still be exported on an individual basis from the Document Retrieval dialog box.
  9. The Number of Years to Add to Promote Date on CD/DVD Label is used to calculate the disposition date of the backup copy, for use with merge fields in Automated CD/DVD Authoring. If you will not be using this functionality, then this value can be set to 0.
  10. If your workstation has a license for Automated CD Authoring or Automated DVD Authoring, any copy that appears in the Backup Queue or Export Queue will be automatically backed up or exported to the configured CD-R or DVD-R. For export functions, the manner in which export will proceed is determined by the Export Manager Name specified. The Export Manager Name references an Export Format(that in turn identifies the predefined file system foldering structure that has been created for the exported data).

    Currently, automated backups and exports can only be performed with a Rimage™ Unit.

  11. Click Save. The new Disk Group is added to the Disk Group list.

    With the exception of Foreign Disk Groups, the Create Disk Group Copy dialog box is displayed and allows you to specify the path and copy type for each copy of the Disk Group. If a Foreign Disk Group was created, the Alias ID File Name must be entered manually at the Volume Information dialog box.


    The Create Disk Group Copy dialog box is displayed once for each copy and must be completed each time to configure each copy. It is often helpful to create your backup copies last so that they always appear as a group after all of the other copies.

    This dialog box also contains information on the Disk Group name, the unique system-generated Disk Group ID number (in parentheses after the Disk Group name), the volume number, and the copy number. The system-generated Disk Group ID number is also displayed above Settings in the Disk Group Configuration dialog box.

  12. Enter the path to the copy in the Mount Location data entry field, or click Browse and navigate to the location.

    Backup copies do not require a path. Select Backup as the copy type to complete the configuration.

    If Browse is clicked, the Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed. Navigate to the location for the Disk Group then click OK. To create a new folder for the Disk Group, click Make New Folder and enter a folder name.

    Mount Location Format


    Drive Letter

    e.g., F:\central\data\hr

    Specifies a drive letter location for the data file storage. This drive letter must be valid and mapped to the same location for everyone using the system. Users without the appropriate mapping will be unable to retrieve the information.

    UNC Path

    e.g., \\server1\central\data\hr

    UNC is the preferred method of assigning the path to the Disk Group copy because it is valid for all users and does not necessitate the assigning of drive letters.

    If you do not want users to know the path to the Disk Group, you must use a hidden share. This is accomplished by creating a share with a share name ending with a $ character. The hidden share must directly follow the computer name. In configuration, you must specify the $ in the share path.

    Example: \\computername\share$\diskgroup1.

    In OnBase, when a user accesses the properties of a document, the computer name and share name are replaced with \\UNCSHARE.

    Example: \\UNCSHARE\diskgroup1\V1\1\9264.img


    e.g., \\FTP:\marvin:delvin\\ftpserver\:21

    Allows for the specification of an FTP location and the login and password to gain access to the location. The login and password are stored internally, so that the system can provide them when processing or retrieving. When using an FTP location, the system will connect to the location and cache the retrieved files locally. When OnBase is exited, the files are removed.

    The FTP location must be in the following format:


    After creating the Disk Group copy location, the system will replace the password with <pwd> whenever the location displays. See also, Core Access to Disk Groups Using FTP.


    When using Kofax or TWAIN interfaces to bring documents into OnBase, an FTP path cannot be used for a first copy in a Disk Group.


    This option is used in conjunction with an Ascent server. Enter \\ASC: in the Path to Disk Group field. The system automatically requests information from the Ascent server and retrieves it. This Ascent location can only be used with a Foreign copy from a Foreign Disk Group. The system can only read files from this copy. It cannot process to it. This copy also requires the Ascent Client be installed on the machine as well as the Ascent Storage API configuration utility. Additionally, all workstations accessing the information must have the ascentget.dll file installed on the PC.


    When using Kofax or TWAIN interfaces to bring documents into OnBase, and Ascent path cannot be used for a first copy in a Disk Group.


    Documents should not be edited, moved, copied, deleted, or otherwise managed in the physical Disk Group folder without using the OnBase interfaces. The OnBase clients and Configuration module provide the ability to fully manage documents stored in OnBase, as well as providing additional security, disk management, and backup benefits.

  13. Select the type for each copy.

    The first copy must always be a Mass Storage copy. If you attempt to assign a different type, an error message is displayed. Secondary copies can be designated as any of the available types. It is often helpful to create your backup copies last so that they always appear as a group after all of the other copies.

    Device Type


    Mass Storage

    If the location of this platter is a mass storage device, such as a hard drive, type the path to the correct location for this copy in the Path to Disk Group field and click Mass Storage. If you are unsure of the exact location for the copy, click Browse and use the standard Windows Open dialog box to locate the drive. Click OK in the Open dialog box to enter the mass storage location path.


    When saving to Removable media (i.e. WORM), you should create a label for the removable media cover with the Disk Group name, Disk Group number, volume number and copy number information that is on the Insert New Disk dialog box. Of these values, only the volume number will change as new volumes will be created when the previous volume fills to capacity. Insert the formatted media into the drive and type the correct path to the removable media into the Path to Disk Group field. Click Removable.


    When you are designating a backup copy, click Backup without entering a path location into the Path to Disk Group field. When you back up the volume, you will enter the location for the backup copy.


    For systems using Automated Backup with Rimage, you can configure an automated backup that creates multiple copies from one configured backup using the [Rimage] onbase32.ini setting BackupCopies. Configure just one backup copy in Disk Group Settings Configuration, and set the onbase32.ini file setting BackupCopies=[number of desired copies].

    For example, if you want to create 3 copies of the same backup file, change the onbase32.ini setting as follows:



    Externally Filled

    An Externally Filled copy is reserved for use by a system administrator. Data redundancy will not be managed for this copy by Platter Management. Specifically, data processed into the Mass Storage copy of the Disk Group will not be placed into the Externally Filled copy upon commit. Data can only be placed in the Externally Filled copy by manually copying the desired data files via the tools available from the file system (Explorer, etc.).


    Externally filling a copy should only be performed when the selective copying of data cannot be readily performed using the Platter Management functions available through OnBase. To ensure that the manual copying of data does not exclude any committed (critical) data, externally filling a copy is recommended only after promoting the volume that contains the data to be externally filled.


    If two or more Disk Group copies are configured, then committing documents copies the files to each of the Disk Group copies configured as Mass Storage or Removable. Files are not copied to secondary Disk Group copies that are configured as Backup or Externally Filled copies when a commit is performed, but are copied to Backup Disk Group copies when a backup is performed.

  14. Select the Copy Option that corresponds to device configured in the Mount Location. Windows (UNC) is selected by default and is typically the option that is required. Depending on the configuration of your system, some Copy Options may not be available.
    The only valid Copy Option for the first Mass Storage copy is Windows (UNC). When the copy type is changed, the Copy Option is reset to the default value.
  15. Click Save at the Create Disk Group Copy dialog box.

    The Create Disk Group Copy dialog box is displayed once for each copy and must be completed each time to configure each copy.