Creating and Editing Disk Groups - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

A Disk Group is a logical storage area for documents and data. All data that is added to OnBase must be referenced from a Disk Group. This allows OnBase to track, categorize, and perform specialized maintenance functions on the data.

When Disk Groups are created, the number of copies of the data that will be maintained for the Disk Group, as well as a size of the volumes, is configured. When the configured size of a volume is reached, a new volume is created for the Disk Group.

A Volume is the logical division for all of the copies associated with a Disk Group. The process of creating a new volume is referred to as promoting the volume. Volumes can also be promoted manually, using the Platter Management functionality.

A Platter refers to the physical location of the files, which can be anywhere on the network. It is recommended that you configure each Disk Group with at least two copies stored on different platters, each in a different location, to protect against data loss.


When editing disk groups, the disk group may need to be locked. This prevents other users of the Client and Configuration from importing additional files to the disk group. However, users of the Unity Client can still import files to the disk group.

To Create a Disk Group:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Disk Mgmt | Disk Groups. The Disk Group Configuration dialog box displays.
  2. If creating a new Disk Group, type the name of the new Disk Group in the Disk Group Name field and click Create. The Disk Group Type dialog box is displayed. Select the type of Disk Group you are creating and click Next. The Settings dialog box for that type of Disk Group is displayed.
    If editing an existing Disk Group, select an existing Disk Group from the Disk Group field.
  3. Configure settings for the Disk Group using the parameters accessed via the Settings, Volume Configuration, Volume Information, and Force Promote buttons.

    To rename an existing Disk Group, double click the name of the desired Disk Group.

    When any of these buttons are clicked after the Disk Group has already been created, the following warning is displayed:

    If you want to make changes to the Disk Group, select Lock Disk Group.

    If you want to view Disk Group settings without making changes, click Read-Only Mode. This allows you to view Disk Group information, but no changes can be saved.

  4. If you would like to change or add a description for the Disk Group, click the Change Description button on the Disk Group Configuration dialog box:
  5. The Description dialog box opens:

    Enter any comments or descriptions and click OK to apply the changes and to close the Description dialog box. The description is updated in the Disk Group Configuration dialog box.