Configuring Document Type Groups - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Document Type Groups allow the system to organize (and in some cases search for and access) documents according to the characteristics by which they are grouped.

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Type Groups. The Document Type Groups dialog box is displayed:
  2. To create a new Document Type Group, type a name into the Document Type Group field (65-character maximum) and click Create. Or, an existing Document Type Group can be edited by selecting the associated name in the list box.
    Each Document Type Group created is referenced by an internal number that displays in the line above the Settings button.
  3. If a new Document Type Group was created, the User Group Assignment dialog box is displayed:

    To assign the Document Type Group to one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Available User Groups list and click Add.

    To remove the Document Type Group from one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Selected User Groups list and click Remove.

  4. Click Close to save your changes.
  5. On the Document Type Groups dialog box, select the Document Type Group to be configured, and click Settings. The Document Type Group Settings dialog box is displayed:
  6. Make a selection for Group Type. The selection of Group Type defines how documents can be retrieved.

    Group Type



    Allows you to group similar Document Types into a group. For example, if your finance company handles mortgage loans, you can create a Document Type Group called FIN-Mortgage Loans. The Document Types that you might assign to this group would be FIN-Mortgage Loan Applications, FIN-House Photos, FIN-Plot Surveys.

    Provides for basic user retrieval capabilities. Users must select the individual Document Type(s) in order to enable the Find function in Document Retrieval. Keyword Type fields common to the selected Document Types become available for searching and can be used to filter the documents retrieved.

    Group Search Enabled

    Retrieval of documents can occur at the Document Type Group level.


    This option is not respected when searching for documents by Document Type Group in the Unity Client or the Web Client.

    Users can select the Document Type Group or individual Document Type(s) in order to enable the Find function in Document Retrieval. Keyword Type fields common to all Document Types within the Document Type Group become available for input, and can be used to filter the documents retrieved. The number of Document Types that are retrievable at one time is not limited.


    Selecting this option causes OnBase to create a database index used with Document Type Group retrievals. Depending on the size of your database, creation of this index could be time consuming and cause performance issues for all users until it is completed. Creation of this index should only be done when there are no users retrieving or viewing documents in the system, and no new documents are being processed into the system.


    Allows you to retrieve data from another data source that has an OLE compliant API and is compatible with the Client module. This option is available when the Reverse API is properly licensed at the requesting workstation. In order to retrieve documents from an OLE API or Document Type Group, the proper connection information must be configured for that Document Type Group.

    DMA Docspace

    Allows you to retrieve documents from another data source that has a DMA Docspace compliant API and is compatible with the Client module. In order to retrieve documents from a DMA Docspace Document Type Group, the proper connection information must be configured for that Document Type Group.

  7. If OLE API or DMA Docspace access was configured, supply the appropriate parameters in the Connection Information section of the Document Type Group Settings dialog box. This information is used to specify how the system should connect to a remote system to get the desired documents.

    Connection Parameter


    Use Login User Information

    If Use Login User Information is selected, the user name and password of the user currently logged onto the system will be used to connect to the other system. Otherwise, you must enter a user name and password to use when connecting to the other system.

    User Name

    Specifies the characters supplied for User Name when logging onto the requested database.


    Specifies the characters supplied for Password when logging onto the requested database.

    System Name

    The name of the computer to connect to must be selected from the System Name drop-down list.

    Source Name

    Select the name of the storage system on the other computer from the Source Name drop-down list. In the case of OLE API, the Source Name list will be filled with the name of the registered COM object for the system to which you are trying to connect.

    Disk Group

    The Disk Group drop-down list specifies a Disk Group in your local system that will be used to cache any items retrieved from the other system.

  8. Click Save to close the Document Type Group Settings dialog box when finished configuring Document Type Group Settings.

    If Group Search Enabled was selected, you will be prompted to create the required database index after clicking Save. Click Yes to create the index. If this index cannot be created due to system usage, click No. The Group Search Enabled configuration selection will be saved, but the required database index will not be created. To create the index, access the Document Type Group Settings dialog box again and click Save. You will once again be prompted to create the database index.

  9. To make a change in the user group assignment, click User Group.

    To assign the Document Type Group to one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Available User Groups list and click Add.

    To remove the Document Type Group from one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Selected User Groups list and click Remove.