Named Fonts Configuration - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Configuring Named Fonts allows you to create new fonts for OnBase based upon the fonts installed on your workstation. These fonts can be assigned to Document Types and Note Types.


Named fonts are useful for languages like Japanese and Thai.

After creating the Named Font, you can use the font to display and print within the system. After a document has been imported or processed into OnBase, you can view how the font will display on the Document Type.

Using a Named Font with an overlay ensures that everyone is using the same font for the Document Type to which the Named Font and Overlay are assigned.

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Named Fonts. The Font Configuration dialog box displays.
  2. Type the name of the font into the Font Name field. Click Create to add the new font to the Font Name box. (To modify an existing font, select that font from the Font Name list and click Settings. You can change the font configuration from the Font dialog box.)
  3. Click Settings to open the Font dialog box and configure the settings for the new named font.

    Font Setting



    Determines the font used to display text. The choices available are limited to the fonts currently installed on the workstation.


    The text viewer only displays monospace fonts, so that column-based operations can be performed. If the font is not monospace, it will be changed to the closest monospace font.


    Microsoft has the authority to change how fonts render. As a result, text documents in OnBase may display differently when upgrading to a new version of Windows. For example, if Microsoft implements a background change to the Courier New font in its latest operating system, it may affect existing overlays configured on a previous operating system.

    Font Style

    Determines the style applied to the font. The selections available are dependent on the font selected.


    Determines the point size of the font.


    Determines the language the font will appear in.


    If your workstation locale is set to Romanian, you will need to set this option to Eastern European. By default, the Script is set to Western European- if this setting is not changed, some special characters will not be displayed properly. If your workstation locale is set to Turkish, you will need to set this option to Turkish. By default, the Script is set to Western European- if this setting is not changed, some special characters will not be displayed properly.

    The Sample box will show you what the combination of font choice, style, and size will look like as a finished result.

  4. Click OK when you have finished configuring the settings for the font.
  5. Click Spacing at the Font Configuration dialog box to display the Font Interline Settings dialog box which allows you to set how far apart you want each line of a document to display.
  6. Select which setting for line spacing you want to use for the document.

    While named fonts can be selected for Note Types, notes do not apply line-spacing settings.

    Interline Setting



    Displays the largest font in a line, plus a small amount of extra space. The extra space depends on the font used.

    1.5 lines

    Displays at one-and-one-half times single line spacing. For example, if 10 point text is spaced at 1.5 times, the line spacing is approximately 15 points.


    Displays at twice the space of single line spacing. For example, in double-spaced lines of 10 point text, the line spacing is approximately 20 points.


    Customized space setting in points measure. In the pts text field, enter the numeric value you want the line spacing setting to have.

  7. Click Save when all settings are correct.