Configuring Document Type Auto-Name - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Auto-Name Configuration dialog box allows you to configure an Auto-Name string for documents using variables containing data about each document and/or static text. The Auto-Name strings configured in this dialog box are used to identify each document inside the Client module.


If the Auto-Name is used as the file name for documents saved or e-mailed outside of OnBase, the following characters are replaced with underscores: *|/\<>:?

To configure an Auto-Name string for a document:

  1. Click Auto-Name on the Document Types dialog box. The Auto-Name Configuration dialog box is displayed:
  2. The Auto-Name field at the top holds the name string that is used to generate each document's name. The Auto-Name string is determined by static text and symbols, representing specific information about each document. The symbols can be distinguished from static text by the % before the each symbol.

    The Auto-Name field is limited to 150 characters. However, the OnBase Client module can display up to 255 characters for a Document Type name.

  3. The Symbols Used section displays the available variables. Click inside the field and type the symbol or click the symbol's button to add it to the Auto-Name field.

    The following variables are available for use with document Auto-Name strings:


    Symbol Name



    Document Date

    Displays the user-defined Document Date.


    Document Type

    Displays the Document Type of the document.


    Date Stored

    Displays the date the document was stored in OnBase. This date cannot be modified by the user.


    Document Handle

    Displays the unique internal number associated with the document within OnBase.


    Time Stored

    Displays the time the document was stored in OnBase.

    %K'<keyword number>'.<repeats>


    Displays a Keyword Type Value stored for the document. May be repeated to show more than one Keyword Type Value stored for the document. The character 0 or any alphabetic character can be used for repeats to display all the keywords, with a hyphen between each keyword.

    <K'keyword number'.'repeats'>

    Real-Time Date Keywords

    Displays a Keyword Type Value for the specified Date or Date & Time Keyword Type according to the Windows Regional Date Format set on the current workstation. May be repeated to show more than one Keyword Type Value stored for the document. The character 0 or any alphabetic character can be used for repeats to display all the keywords, with a hyphen between each keyword.

    %S'<First Character>'.<Minimum Length>

    Keyword Substring

    Displays a substring of a Keyword Type Value stored for the document. Must be configured to start a prescribed number of characters into the string and to extend for a prescribed number of characters.


    This symbol must immediately follow the Keyword Type tag, without any separating spaces.


    User Name

    Displays the user name of the user that last updated the document.


    Real-Time Date Stored

    Displays a Keyword Type Value for the specified Date or Date & Time Keyword Type according to the Windows Regional Date Format set on the current workstation. May be repeated to show more than one Keyword Type Value stored for the document. The character 0 or any alphabetic character can be used for repeats to display all the keywords, with a hyphen between each keyword.


    Real User Name

    Displays the real name of the user that last updated the document as entered in the User Settings dialog box of the User Names & Passwords Configuration menu.


    If a value for the real name of the user has not been entered in the User Names and Passwords menu of the OnBase Configuration module, the user name of the user who created the document is displayed.


    Real-Time Document Date

    Displays the user-defined Document Date according to the Windows Regional Date Format.


    Creator Name

    Displays the user name of the user that created the document.


    Batch Number

    Displays the Batch Number of the batch that was used to import the document. If the document was not imported into OnBase in a batch, the Batch Number is displayed as 0.

  4. If the Auto-Name string uses a date variable, refer to Dates.
  5. To add a Keyword Value to the Auto-Name string, select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down or enter the symbol manually. For more information on configuring Keyword Values to display in an Auto-Name string, see Keyword Types.
    Partial Keyword Values, called substrings, may be configured to be displayed in the Auto-Name string. For more information on configuring substrings, see Keyword Value Substrings.
  6. To preview how your documents will look with the modified Auto-Name string, click Preview Auto-Name. The Auto-Name Preview dialog box is displayed:

    Enter the number of documents you would like to preview and click Display. A list of documents will be displayed using the modified Auto-Name string.


    If the Document Type being configured has not been assigned to any documents, no documents will be previewed.

  7. Click Save.