Configuring Cascading Data Sets - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Cascading Data Sets can be created when Keyword Types are connected in a hierarchical parent/child relationship. Child Keyword Values in Cascading Data Sets are filtered based on the selected parent, or root, Keyword Value. Limiting the child Keyword Values that appear in a drop-down list expedites document retrieval and indexing. Cascading Data Sets can be applied to Document Types and Folder Types.

For example, a Document Type has three Keyword Types: State, County, and City that are configured as a Cascading Data Set. Selecting Ohio as the State Keyword Type filters the County Keyword Type drop-down list so that it only contains Keyword Values for counties that are in Ohio. Subsequently, selecting Cuyahoga as the County Keyword Value filters the City Keyword Type drop-down list so that it only contains values for cities in Cuyahoga County.

Before creating Cascading Data Sets, ensure that you are familiar with the following information:

  • Data from an existing Keyword Data Set cannot be migrated directly to a Cascading Data Set, but it can be used to populate a Cascading Data Set. For more information, see Using Existing Keyword Data Set Data to Populate a Cascading Data Set.

  • You can only add Alphanumeric, Numeric (Up to 9 Digits), or Numeric (Up to 20 Digits) Keyword Types to a Cascading Data Set.

  • Keyword Types that are part of a Cascading Data Set are displayed with a drop-down list, even if the Use Keyword Data Set and the Allow Drop-Down Lists settings have not been enabled for the Keyword Type.

  • Keyword Values for a Cascading Data Set Keyword Type located within a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group can only determine available Keyword Values for other Cascading Data Set Keyword Types located within the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group (i.e., influence of Cascading Data Set Keyword Types within a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is limited to the confines of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group).

  • Keyword Types that are part of a Cascading Data Set respect the Keyword Select List User Option in the OnBase Client. To display Keyword Types that are part of a Cascading Data Set without drop-down lists, disable this option. When this option is disabled, users will not have access to drop-down lists. They will be required to manually enter Keyword Values for Keyword Types that are part of the Cascading Data Set. However, OnBase will continue to validate these manually entered Keyword Values against the Keyword Values in the Cascading Data Set. For example, a user indexes a document that contains State, County, and City Keyword Types. These Keyword Types are configured as a Cascading Data Set. The user cannot use drop-down lists to index this document because the Keyword Select List User Option is disabled. The user types Ohio as the State Keyword Value, Cuyahoga as the County Keyword Value, and New York City as the City Keyword Value. The user indexes the document. OnBase displays a message stating that New York City does not match the Cascading Data Set. The user is required to enter Keyword Values that appear in the Cascading Data Set before the document can be indexed successfully.


Cascading Data Sets are not supported for use with the following OnBase modules and functionality: HTML-based forms, E-Forms, Workflow User Forms, Workflow Filters, Custom Queries, Case Sensitive Keywords, and Reverse Keyset Lookup. When using these modules and functionality, OnBase ignores Cascading Data Sets and their associated Keyword Values are not available. If the Keyword Type in the Cascading Data Set was configured to use a Keyword Data Set, Keyword Values from this Keyword Data Set will be available. If the Keyword Type in the Cascading Data Set was not configured to use a Keyword Data Set, no Keyword Values will be available.

To create a Cascading Data Set:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Keyword | Cascading Data Sets.
  2. The Cascading Data Set Configuration dialog box is displayed:
  3. Type a name for the Cascading Data Set in the text field.
  4. Click Create.
  5. The Cascading Data Set Keyword Types dialog box is displayed:

    Cascading Data Sets cannot include Date, Date & Time, or Currency Keyword Types. These Keyword Types are not displayed in the Available pane. When using a Microsoft SQL Server database, Alphanumeric Keyword Types configured with the Mixed Case Values option are also not displayed in the Available pane.

  6. Select the root Keyword Type from the list of available Keyword Types.
  7. Click Add to add the selected root Keyword Type to the Cascading Data Set.
  8. Select a child Keyword Type from the list of available Keyword Types.
  9. Click Add to add the selected child Keyword Type to the Cascading Data Set.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all necessary Keyword Types have been added to the Cascading Data Set.
  11. Use the Up and Down buttons to re-order the list of selected Keyword Types until the order of Keyword Types in the Selected pane appropriately reflects the parent/child relationship between the Keyword Types. The root Keyword Type must come first, followed by any subsequent children. For example, if you are creating a Cascading Data Set with the State, County, and City Keyword Types, place the State Keyword Type first, the County Keyword Type second, and the City Keyword Type last.
  12. Click Save.

    You cannot modify the Keyword Types used in a Cascading Data Set or the order of those Keyword Types after clicking Save.

  13. The Cascading Data Set Configuration dialog box is displayed. The Cascading Data Set you created is automatically selected.
  14. Click Data Set.
  15. The Cascading Data Set Data dialog box is displayed:

    The Root Data tab is automatically selected. This tab displays the root Keyword Type and contains all data in the root Keyword Type's Data Set.

  16. Type a Keyword Value that belongs in the Keyword Type's Data Set.

    If the Keyword Type contains a mask, any static characters will be displayed in this field.

  17. Click Create or press the Enter key.
  18. Repeat steps 16 and 17 until all Keyword Values have been added to the root Keyword Type's Data Set. If necessary, double-click a Keyword Value to modify the Keyword Value, or click Delete to delete the Keyword Value.

    To delete multiple Keyword Values at once, select multiple Keyword Values and select Delete. Multiple Keyword Values can be selected by pressing Ctrl and selecting values individually, by pressing Shift and selecting two separate values to select all values between them, or by clicking a value and dragging.

  19. Select the sort order to use when displaying the root Keyword Type's Data Set. Sort order options are described below:

    Sort Order Radio Button



    Sorts the Keyword Values within the Data Set in ascending order.


    Numeric (Up to 9 Digits) and Numeric (Up to 20 Digits) Keyword Types are not correctly sorted by the Ascending option.


    Sorts the Keyword Values within the Data Set in descending order.


    Numeric (Up to 9 Digits) and Numeric (Up to 20 Digits) Keyword Types are not correctly sorted by the Descending option.

  20. Double-click a root Keyword Value, or select it and click Create Children.

    The Create Children button becomes the Edit Children button after one or more child Keyword Values have been created.

  21. A tab with the name of the root Keyword Value you selected is displayed, along with the child Keyword Type:
  22. Type a Keyword Value that belongs in the child Keyword Type's Data Set.

    If the Keyword Type contains a mask, any static characters will be displayed in this field.

  23. Click Create or press the Enter key.
  24. Repeat steps 22 and 23 until all Keyword Values have been added to the child Keyword Type's Data Set. If necessary, double-click a Keyword Value to modify the Keyword Value, or click Delete to delete the Keyword Value.
  25. Select the sort order to use when displaying the child Keyword Type's Data Set.

    Sort order options are described in step 19 above.

  26. Click the Root Data tab. The root Keyword Value tab closes.
  27. Repeat steps 20 to 26 until Keyword Values have been created for each root Keyword Value's child Keyword Type. If necessary, double-click a Keyword Value to modify the Keyword Value, or click Delete to delete the Keyword Value.
  28. If you configured more than one level of parent/child Keyword Types, repeat steps 20 to 26 until Keyword Values have been created for all parent/child Keyword Types.
  29. After all Keyword Values have been created, click Close to close the Cascading Data Set Data dialog box.
  30. Click Close to close the Cascading Data Set Configuration dialog box.