Configuring Keyword Type Data Sets - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

A Keyword Data Set is a set of Keyword Values, which limits the values that appear in a drop-down list. Only those values that reside in the Keyword Data Set are displayed in the drop-down list.


Keyword Type Data Set configuration settings are not available when configuring a Cascading Data Set.

When entering values for a Keyword Type that uses a Keyword Data Set, typing a partial value and selecting the drop-down list returns all Data Set values that begin with the entered value.

The following items should be noted regarding Keyword Type Data Sets:

  • OnBase does not respect partial values for externally filled Keyword Data Sets.

  • OnBase cannot validate Keyword lengths for externally filled Keyword data sets, but externally filled Keyword data sets must still respect the configured Keyword lengths of the Keyword Types in OnBase.


    For more information about externally filled Keyword Data Sets, see Enabling External Keyword Data Sets.

  • Keyword Type Data Sets containing more than 100 values are not displayed in their entirety when selecting the drop-down list in the Web Client. Only the first 100 values are displayed.

To configure a Keyword Type Data Set:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Keyword | Keyword Types.
  2. Select the Keyword Type at the Keyword Type Configuration dialog box and click Data Set.

    To enable the Data Set option, Use Keyword Data Set must be selected in the Data Sets | Drop Down Lists section of the Keyword Type Settings dialog box.

    The Keyword Data Set Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  3. Type the Keyword Values for the data set into the Keyword Data Set field.

    Blank Keyword Values cannot be added to Keyword Data Sets. If blank values exist, you can delete them.


    Keyword Data Sets containing values for Date, Date/Time or Currency Keyword Types created prior to OnBase 8.0 may need to be re-created if they were originally created on workstations configured to use Regional Settings other than English (United States). Documents associated with Keyword Values previously assigned by these data sets are not adversely affected.

  4. Click Create.
  5. To delete a Keyword Value from the data set, select the value in the Keyword Data Set list and click Delete.
  6. If Keyword Must Exist has been selected in the Usage Restrictions section of Settings, Keyword Values that are not part of the Keyword Data Set are not accepted as values for indexing.
  7. Select the sort method to use when displaying the data set (if necessary). Upon creation, values are displayed in ascending order by default. To sort in descending order, click the Value column header.

    The sort method selection is reflected in the Value column header by an up arrow (ascending order) or down arrow (descending order).

  8. To move an item out of order and to a different place in the list, select the item. Click the Up or Down buttons as desired to move the item up or down, respectively.
  9. When all data set values and settings are entered, click Close.