Changing a Keyword Type's Data Type - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Before using features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch, ensure that you understand the feature and implications of any changes to your system. Contact your service provider with any questions regarding these features. Features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch should not be made available to the casual user. Remove the -ROMANZO switch after completing necessary actions.


You must use the ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGER user account in order to perform this function.

By placing the -ROMANZO switch within the target path of the Configuration module shortcut, you can change the Data Type of certain Keyword Types. A Data Type of a Keyword Type cannot be changed in certain circumstances. These circumstances include but are not limited to when the Keyword Type:

  • Is part of an AutoFill Keyword Set

  • Is part of Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group

  • Contains a value whose format cannot be converted

    For example, an Alphanumeric Keyword Type containing a 22-character value could not be converted to the Numeric Data Types, since Numeric Data Types can only contain up to 20 characters.

The following Keyword Type Data Types can be converted:


When converting a Keyword Data Type to Alphanumeric, all Keyword Type masking is removed from existing values of the converted Keyword Type.

Keyword Type Data Type

Conversion Options

Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)

  • Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)

  • Currency

  • Alphanumeric Single Table

  • Alphanumeric Dual Table

Numeric (Up to 20 Digits)

  • Numeric (Up to 20 Digits)

  • Currency

  • Alphanumeric Single Table

  • Alphanumeric Dual Table


  • Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)

  • Numeric (Up to 20 Digits)

  • Specific Currency

  • Alphanumeric Single Table

  • Alphanumeric Dual Table


Once you convert a Currency Keyword Type to a Specific Currency Keyword Type, you can no longer convert the Data Type.


When converting a Currency Keyword Type to an Alphanumeric Keyword Type, all currency formatting is removed from existing values of the converted Keyword Type.

Floating Point

  • Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)

  • Numeric (Up to 20 Digits)

  • Currency


    When converting a Floating Point Keyword Type to a Currency Keyword Type, all existing values are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

  • Alphanumeric Single Table

  • Alphanumeric Dual Table


Once you convert a Floating Point Keyword Type to a different Data Type, you can no longer convert it back to a Floating Point Keyword Type.


  • Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)

  • Numeric (Up to 20 Digits)

  • Currency

  1. From the Configuration module, select Keyword | Keyword Types. The Keyword Type Configuration dialog displays.
  2. Select a Keyword Type from the Defined Keyword Types list.
  3. Click the Settings button. The Keyword Type Settings dialog displays.
  4. Select a Data Type.
  5. Click Save.

    Depending on the conversion, one or more of the following prompts may be displayed.


    Read the descriptions below before clicking through the prompts. Incorrect selections on some prompts can cause data loss or other unexpected behavior.

    Data Type



    When converting from this Data Type, you are prompted to use a single query method to convert the values.

    As a best practice, select No at this prompt.


    While conversion using a single query may be faster, it can also prompt ODBC errors. Only select Yes if you understand ODBC errors and can determine whether they are affecting data.

    Currency / Specific Currency

    When converting to these Data Types, you are notified that conversion removes existing masking settings.


    Removing masking settings can change existing Keyword Type values. Only select Yes to continue if you understand how this will affect the converted values. Select No to cancel conversion.

    All Data Types

    When conversion is successful, you are prompted whether to delete the old tables.

    When conversion is not successful, you are prompted whether to delete the new tables.

    As a best practice, select No at either of these prompts.


    Deleting tables removes old Keyword Type information from the database that cannot be recovered. This information may be necessary to recover if, for instance, you contact your first line of support to troubleshoot an issue after conversion.