Selecting an AutoFill Keyword Set - Keyword Type Level Primary Keyword - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

If the Keyword Type you are creating will be applied to a Document Type whose documents will be manually indexed upon import, you may want to create an AutoFill Keyword Set to expedite the indexing procedure and add the Keyword Type to that set.

There are two types of AutoFill Keyword Sets:

Keyword Type Level

Associate an AutoFill Keyword Set at the Keyword Type Level if you want to assign more than one AutoFill Keyword Set to a Document Type. You must assign the Primary Keyword Types of each set to a pre-configured AutoFill Keyword Set during Keyword Type Configuration.

Including a Keyword Type in an AutoFill Keyword Set at the Keyword Type Level is part of configuring a Keyword Type. For more information, see Configuring Keyword Types.

Document Type Level

Associate an AutoFill Keyword Set at the Document Type Level if you want to assign only one AutoFill Keyword Set to the Document Type. Assign it along with its Keyword Types to the Document Type during Document Type configuration.

Including an AutoFill Keyword Set at the Document Type Level is part of configuring a Document Type. For more information, see Configuring Document Type Keywords.


Autofill Keyword Sets associated at the Document Type Level will override AutoFill Keyword Sets associated at the Keyword Type Level.

If you do not want this Keyword Type to be in an AutoFill Keyword Set, or if the Keyword Type is going to be added to an AutoFill Keyword Set applied at the Document Type Level, select None.

If you want this Keyword Type to be the primary Keyword Type in a Keyword Type level AutoFill Keyword Set that can be applied to multiple Document Types, select an AutoFill Keyword Set from the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down list.


Only AutoFill Keyword Sets to which your User Group has rights will appear in the drop-down list.

Associating a Primary Keyword Type to an AutoFill Keyword Set at this level allows that Keyword Type to trigger an AutoFill Keyword Set when a value is supplied for that Keyword Type. After assigning the Primary Keyword Type to the AutoFill Keyword Set, ensure that all the Keyword Types in the set are assigned to the desired Document Type(s).

The following limitations apply when creating an AutoFill Keyword Set:

  • Only one AutoFill Keyword Set can be selected at the Keyword Type level for each Keyword Type.

  • A Keyword Type cannot be the Primary Keyword Type in an AutoFill Keyword Set if the Data Type is Date, Date & Time, Currency, Specific Currency, or Floating Point.

  • If a Keyword Type has the Hidden unless the user has Access Restricted Keywords privilege option enabled, it is recommended that you do not make it a Primary Keyword Type. This is because you want to make the Primary Keyword Type widely accessible.