General Information About Notes - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1
  • When using an Oracle database, note searches are case-sensitive. When using a Microsoft SQL Server database, note searches are not case-sensitive.

  • A note has a maximum character length of 250 characters.


    When entering note text in the OnBase Client, a user can enter a maximum of 249 characters. When entering note text in the Unity Client or Web Client, a user can enter a maximum of 250 characters, all of which are displayed properly in the OnBase Client.

  • Only text and image documents can accept the Staple note type in the Web Client. E-Forms and OLE documents cannot accept the Staple note type in those platforms (i.e., they can only be stapled to image and text documents, but not vice versa).

To create a Note Type:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Note Types. The Note Type Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. In the Note Type field, type the name for the note type and click Create. The Note Type dialog box is displayed.

    You can also access the Note Type dialog box by clicking the User Group button in the Note Type Configuration dialog box.

  3. Assign Create, View, Modify, and Delete Privileges to User Groups by selecting User Groups from the Available User Groups column and adding them to the Selected User Groups column by clicking the Add button.

    To configure multiple User Groups simultaneously, hold Shift and select several User Groups and then assign the appropriate privileges.

  4. When the User Group has been added, highlight it and specify the appropriate Create, View, Modify, and Delete Privileges using the check boxes.

    You also can set Create, View, Modify, and Delete rights from the User Groups & Rights dialog box. You can enable/disable these rights for the User Group in any combination.

  5. Click Close to save the settings in the Note Type dialog box.