Print Format Configuration - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Print Formats allow you to define a new page layout for printed documents. You can configure the fonts, columns, margins, page headings and even Keyword Value bar codes to be displayed on the printed document.


Print Format settings are not applied when printing an HTML or XML document. HTML and XML documents are always printed using the default print settings configured for Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  1. In the Configuration module, select Printing | Print Formats to open the Print Format dialog box.
  2. All formats that are currently in the system are listed in the Print Format Name list. To add a new format, type the name of the format into the Print Format Name field and click Create.

    To configure print settings for the new Print Format, select the print format name at the Print Format dialog box and access the configuration dialogs associated with the buttons (Settings, Margins, Bar Code and User Groups) located at the right side of the dialog box.


    The User Groups option will only appear if the Enable User Group based Print Format security global client setting is enabled.

  3. The margins set on a Print Format are the first characteristic taken into account when calculating the printable area for a page of a document. The margins set are absolute page boundaries and all the page representations printed on a page using the print format will appear within the margins defined.

    The values for the various sides of the page can be set independently. All of the margin values are set in inches. These margins will be taken into account before the system calculates the placement of the rows and columns specified by the print format; therefore, no part of a document will be cut off when printed in the format, and the margin space will be blank.

    To adjust the margins on a print format, click Margins on the Print Format dialog box. The Print Margin dialog box will be displayed.

    Position the cursor in each of the data entry fields and type the value. Click Clear to reset all the margin values to 0.00.

    Once the margins have been set, click Save.

  4. To configure the print layout settings for the format, click Settings on the Print Formats dialog box to display the Print Format Configuration dialog box.
  5. The Print Format Configuration dialog box allows you to set up the entire printed page layout, which includes settings for print titles, header titles, fonts, overlays, paper size and orientation, and the appearance of notes, borders, and multi-image layouts.

    Values must be selected for Default Font for Text and Font for Header and Title. They are required fields.

    See the following example for a graphical depiction of print settings elements.

    The following tables describe each option listed in the Print Format Configuration dialog box.

    Page Layout


    Number of Columns

    Specifies how many content pages will appear horizontally across the printed page.


    Multiply the Number of Columns setting by the Number of Rows setting to determine the total number of content pages that will appear on a single printed page.

    Vertical Gutter

    Specifies the space, in inches, between each column.

    Number of Rows

    Specifies how many content pages will appear vertically down the printed page.

    Horizontal Gutter

    Specifies the amount of space, in inches, between each row.




    Prints the top of the page on the shortest side of the paper.


    Prints the top of the page on the longest side of the paper.

    Auto Orientation

    Prints the page according to its dimensions. For example, if the height of the page is greater than the width, Portrait will be used. If the width of the page is greater than the height, Landscape will be used. Auto-orientation is applied on a page-by-page basis to image documents.

    Print Order


    Columns First

    Directs the system to proceed with printing multiple-image formats in a column by column order.

    Rows First

    Directs the system to proceed with printing multiple-image formats in a row by row order.

    Print Right to Left

    Prints the rows or columns on a page right to left, instead of left to right.


    This option is useful if you are printing multiple pages on a sheet (determined by the Number of Columns and Number of Rows settings) in a language that reads right to left. For example, some Asian and African locales may find print results more logical by selecting this option.

    Print Job Settings


    Single Print Job

    Select this option to automatically select the job settings option Single Print Job on the Print dialog box in OnBase. When this option is deselected, the user has the option to select either the Continuous Flow or Single Print Job print setting on the Print dialog box.


    The Single Print Job option only applies to documents that are natively rendered. Documents such as E-Forms and OLE documents cannot use the Single Print Job option.


    Image Statements are not affected by this option.

    Titles Only On First Page

    Enables the printing of print titles on only the first page of the document. To configure a print title for a Document Type, see Configuring a Print Title for a Document Type.

    Use Software Rendering

    Select this option to automatically select the rendering option Use Software Rendering on the Print dialog box in OnBase. For more information, see the Client module reference guide.

    Use Legacy Print Method

    Select this option to automatically select the rendering option Use Legacy Print Method on the Print dialog box in OnBase. For more information, see the Client module reference guide.

    Page Header


    Use Page Header

    Enables a date and/or page string to appear in the margin of each physical page.


    Even if a physical page contains multiple pages of content, the Page Header will only be printed once.

    User in Header

    Prints the user name of the user who printed the document in the Page Header.


    This option is only available if Use Page Header is selected.

    Date in Header

    Prints the date the document was printed in the Page Header.


    This option is only available if Use Page Header is selected.

    Time in Header

    Prints the time the document was printed in the Page Header.


    This option is activated only if Date in Header is selected.

    Page in Header

    Prints the page number in the Page Header.


    This option is only available if Use Page Header is selected.

    Current page of total

    Prints Page <Current Page Number> of <Total Number of Pages in the Document> in the Page Header.

    Supplemental pages, such as Note pages and Keyword pages, will display Supplemental Page <Page Number> in the header. Each type of supplemental page is numbered separately from the others.


    This option is only available if Page in Header is selected.


    When using Image Statements, blank pages are counted.

    Header at Top

    Specifies the position of the Page Header at the top right margin of the printed page.

    Header at Bottom

    Specifies the position of the Page Header at the bottom right margin of the printed page.

    Notes Printing


    Annotation On Document

    Directs the system to print notes overlaid on the printout page.

    This option corresponds to the Annotation and/or Note Icon On Document option of the Print dialog box.


    Default note icons will never be printed on the document. This option only applies when icons have been assigned to the note type.

    Note Text On Document

    Directs the system to print note titles and text overlaid on the printout page. This option will not be respected for HTML documents, OLE documents, or PDF documents.

    This option corresponds to the Note Text On Document option of the Print dialog box.


    This option is not respected by Overlapped Text annotations.

    Note Text After Document

    Directs the system to print notes on a separate printout page.

    This option corresponds to the Note Text After Document option of the Print dialog box.

    Image Scaling


    Best Fit

    Prints image to fit, with scaling as necessary.


    Prints image actual size/scale (1:1 in terms of inches).

    Location of Titles


    No Titles

    Disables the printing of print titles for this print format.

    Above Document

    Enables the printing of print titles above the content of each page. To configure a print title for a Document Type, see Configuring a Print Title for a Document Type.

    Below Document

    Enables the printing of print titles below the content of each page. To configure a print title for a Document Type, see Configuring a Print Title for a Document Type.

    Viewport Options



    Enables the printing of a solid rectangle around the area of each content page (i.e., viewport). This option can be used to improve the visual quality of the final printed page by clearly marking where one content page ends and the next one starts.

    Overlay Documents

    Enables the printing of the appropriate image overlay on the content page if the Document Type is configured to use an overlay and an overlay image is not applied to the printed document by default.


    In order for this setting to apply an overlay to a printed document, the Document Type's print or fax overlay setting must be set to Default Off.

    Fax Compatible

    Sets up the print format so that standard faxing programs will generate the correct version of the page. This option is only available if Overlay Documents is checked.


    There is a time and cost involved in printing the page this way, so it should only be selected if your faxing program cannot generate the correct output without it.

    Ignore Stored Rotation

    (Image documents only) This option tells the system to ignore the rotation that has been stored with the image for display and instead print the image facing the same way it was first brought into OnBase.




    Select this radio button to set the print format to print in color by default. The Color option in the Print dialog box will automatically be selected as well when the user selects File | Print in OnBase.

    Black & White

    Select this radio button to set the print format to print in black & white by default. The Black & White option in the Print dialog box will automatically be selected as well when the user selects File | Print in OnBase.


    Depending on your installed print drivers, this option may not be respected with certain printers.

    Digital Signatures


    Print Digital Signature Information

    Select this radio button to set the print format to print Digital Signature Information after a document by default. The Print Digital Signature Information option in the Print dialog box will automatically be selected as well when the user selects File | Print in OnBase.

    See the Digital Signatures documentation for more information about this option.

    Drop-down Options


    Default Font for Text

    Specifies the font used to print the content page. The font selected should be small enough that all the text fits within the viewport for a document page.


    The default font assigned at the Print Formats dialog box will take precedence over the default font assigned at the Document Type dialog box. If the selected font uses a proportional (variable-width) font, such as Arial or Tahoma, then annotations and notes on Text documents may appear to print in the wrong position relative to the text. If the selected font uses a fixed-width font, such as Courier New, then annotations and notes are printed in the correct position relative to the text. In the Web Client, font sizes are not respected. This is because text documents are converted to images before printing. If Image Scaling is set to Best Fit, the image will be scaled to fit as necessary.

    Font for Header and Title

    Specifies a different font for use with the Page Header and Print Title. The Page Header is printed in the margins of the printed page, and does not affect the lines per page that appear on the printout.

    If you select a proportional (variable-width) font, annotations and notes on text documents may not print in the correct place.


    The printable area of the page should be considered when selecting a font, so that the header/title does not become truncated in the viewable area. This is especially important when printing titles within smaller multi-image formats.

    Background Image

    Enables a document from the SYS - Overlay Images Document Type to be printed as a watermark on each printed page. The image that is selected will appear stretched across each printed page.


    This option has no connection to any overlay settings that may be set as a Print Format Viewport Option or as part of the Document Type configuration.

    Default Paper Source

    Selects the printer bin to pull the paper from for the printed pages.


    If this option does not appear to be yielding the desired results there may be a printer driver problem, or a special user-defined value may need to be used. Refer to Configuring User-Defined Paper Sources and Sizes.

    Default Paper Size

    Determines, as a default, what size of page will be used for printing.


    If this option does not appear to be yielding the desired results there may be a printer driver problem, or a special user-defined value may need to be used. Refer to Configuring User-Defined Paper Sources and Sizes.


    Determines whether or not double-sided printing will be performed. If Simplex is selected, the printer will only print on the front of the page. Select Vertical or Horizontal to print on both sides of the page. You should make sure your printer is capable of duplex printing before setting your print format to print vertical or horizontal.

    Emulate Simplex

    Specifies simplex printing (one side of page only), regardless of the Duplex setting. This option is used in situations where multiple print formats will be used during the same print job, because the duplexing mode cannot be switched in the middle of a print job.

  6. When all settings at the Print Format Configuration dialog box are satisfactory, select Save.

    Ensure that your operating system printer formats accommodate the requirements of the document. If printed output (or print-to-file output) is not complete or missing data, check the operating system printer formats of the target printer.

  7. To configure Keyword Values to be printed on documents as standard 3 of 9 bar codes, click the Bar Code button. The Merge Item Keys Configuration dialog box is displayed:

    Keyword value bar code printing is only supported for use in the OnBase Client.

  8. Using the Add and Remove buttons, add a Keyword Type from the Available Keyword Types list to the Selected Merge Key Types list

    When a document is printed using this Print Format, a bar code is generated for each Keyword Value associated with each Keyword Type in the Selected Merge Key Types list, provided that the Keyword Type is associated with the Document Type being printed.


    The bar codes that are generated are standard 3 of 9 bar codes. Any characters in the Keyword Value that are not included in the 3 of 9 character set are not represented by the bar code unless these characters are masked.

  9. Select a Keyword Type from the Selected Merge Key Types list and click Settings to configure the position of the bar code on the printed document.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each Keyword Value bar code that you would like to add to this Print Format.
  11. To grant a user group permission to use the print format, select the User Groups button. The Assign User Groups dialog box is displayed.
  12. To assign the print format to one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Groups from the Available User Groups list and click Add.
    To remove the print format from one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Selected User Groups list and click Remove.
  13. Click Close to save your changes.