Configuring HTML Forms for Custom Queries - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

HTML forms can be used in conjunction with Custom Queries to provide a simple interface for document and folder retrieval. For example, you may wish to design an HTML form Custom Query that resembles a check, as shown in the example below.

Before you begin configuring an HTML Custom Query, please note the following requirements and limitations

  • Any images that are included in HTML forms used as Custom Queries must be referenced with an absolute path that is accessible to all users who need to use the form. An absolute path is the full path to a file, beginning with the root directory.

  • If required, data validation should be built into the HTML form.

  • If you are using Distributed Disk Services, see the Distributed Disk Services documentation for more information about constructing appropriate paths.

  • Remember to include Submit and Reset buttons in order to submit your query or reset the form to enter different information.

  1. Create and configure an HTML form with appropriate fields for document or folder retrieval. Ensure you follow the guidelines listed above. For more information on creating and configuring forms, see the E-Forms documentation.
  2. In the Configuration module, select Queries | Custom Queries.
  3. Type a name for the Custom Query in the Custom Query dialog box.
  4. Click Create. The Assign Custom Query to User Group dialog box is displayed.
  5. Assign the Custom Query to User Group(s).

    To assign the Custom Query to one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Available User Groups list and click Add.

    To remove the Custom Query from one or more User Groups, select the appropriate User Group(s) from the Selected User Groups list and click Remove.

  6. Click Close to save your changes.
  7. In the Custom Query Options dialog box, select the Custom Query Type. For example, if your form is set up to use Keyword Types to retrieve documents of any Document Type, select By Keyword.
  8. Select Use HTML Form and browse the form file by clicking .
  9. Select the file and click Open.

    The form file must be in a network directory available to all users who will be accessing the form, with the exception of users accessing the form through the Web Client. If users are accessing the form through the Web Client, the Web Services Manager must have access to all network Disk Groups that store files to be called from the Web Client.

  10. Select Use OR for duplicates if there are duplicate Keyword Type fields on the HTML form and you want each Keyword Type value to be searched for separately, as if the values were joined by the OR logical operator. For example, if an HTML form were configured with two Amount fields, a user could enter two different amounts and retrieve documents indexed with either amount.
    If this option is not selected, documents are retrieved only if they are indexed with each Keyword Value entered by the user. Values entered in duplicate Keyword Type fields will be treated as if they were joined by the AND logical operator.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Continue configuration by clicking Document Type Query, Document Type Group Query, Retrieval Keywords, or Keyword Query, depending on the Custom Query type you selected in step 7.

    You cannot configure an HTML Custom Query to automatically populate a configured default date.