Create a New VB Script - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The information contained in this section explains how to create a new VB Script within the OnBase Configuration module, but a detailed tutorial on VB Scripting itself is beyond the scope of this document.

Details on writing VB Scripts for use with OnBase can be found in the Hyland API SDK. Please contact your first line of support to obtain the SDK.


The maximum number of characters that can be contained in a script is 64,000 characters. Once this limit is reached, the Script Editor no longer accepts input.

To create a VB Script within OnBase:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Queries | VB Scripts. The VB Scripts dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter the name of the script in the field beneath the VB Script Name list and click Create. The VB Script Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select Retain VB Script History to allow all edits to the script to be saved as different versions. Selecting this option activates the History button for the script, allowing scripts to be rolled back to previous versions. See History for details.

    Once the Retain VB Script History option is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Since VB Scripts are saved as rows in the OnBase database, selecting this option will add a new row for each saved version of the script. Before selecting this option, the effects of retaining multiple scripts with multiple versions should be considered in regard to database size.

    Leave this check box deselected to create the script without retaining its history. Click Save.

    If the Retain VB Script History option is selected for the script, you must enter a comment in the VB Script Comment dialog box when prompted.

  4. At the Assign VB Script to User Group dialog, select the user groups with permission to use the VB Script and click Add>>. Click Close.
    These permissions can be changed later by selecting the script in the VB Scripts dialog and clicking User Group.
  5. With the new script selected, click Edit Script to input the VB Script code in the Script Editor.

    A lock is placed on a script when it is opened in the Script Editor, to prevent multiple, simultaneous edits to the script.

    The Script Editor is resizable and allows you to open multiple script editing windows by repeating steps 1 and 2.

    To validate the syntax of your code, click the Validate button. ScriptInclude macros, which are validated when added to the system, are not included in this validation.

    To skip to a specific line number, enter the line number in the Enter Line Number field and click Go To.

    Use the Tab key to tab over 8 characters.

  6. Input your VB Script code, then click Save.