Configuration Reports - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Configuration Reports are reports of how each component of the system is set up. Each report provides information on every option that is set up in the Configuration module to be used with that component.

Each page of a report begins with a header that includes the following:

  • The type of Configuration Report

  • The date and time at which it was run

  • The user who created the report

  • The workstation it was run on

  • The page number

Generally, the reports have a listing of all the items that the report deals with and then a detailed breakdown of all the configuration options for the items.

The system functions that are available for creating reports are described in the following table.


Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups will not be included in Document Type Configuration reports.



Product Licenses

The Installation License section details information about the installation such as Dealer Name, Dealer Number, Install ID, Serial Number, Install Date, and Database Version.

Product Licenses section alphabetically lists all the licensed products, the number of licenses for each product, and the number of workstations registered to use a licensed product.

The Registered Products per Workstation lists all the registered workstations and the product(s) registered for use on the workstation alphabetically.

Disk Groups

The first section lists all the Disk Groups ordered by the identification number assigned to the Disk Group.

The second section lists the Disk Groups alphabetically with detailed information about each Disk Group's configuration.

Document Type Groups

The first section is an alphabetical listing of all the Document Type Groups and their associated identification numbers.

The second section is a listing of all the Document Type Groups ordered by their identification numbers.

Keyword Types

The first section is an alphabetical listing of all the Keyword Types and lists the identification number of the Keyword Type and the data type of the Keyword Type. It will also indicate:

  • if the Keyword Type is configured to use a Data Set, and whether or not the Data Set is an External Data Set.

  • if the Keyword Type is configured to use Keyword Type Masking, and which Masking options are selected

The second section lists the Keyword Types ordered by their identification numbers. This section also includes the settings for NumRows and Distribution. These represent values used to fine tune database performance in rare circumstances. The default value for NumRows is 0. The default value for Distribution is default.

Cascading Datasets

The report provides detailed configuration information for each Cascading Data Set in OnBase. For each Cascading Data Set, the Keyword Types that are part of the Cascading Data Set are listed, along with all Keyword Values in the Cascading Data Set. All Keyword Values are arranged in parent/child hierarchical order.

Document Types

The first section alphabetically lists the Document Types and includes detailed configuration information for each Document Type.

The second section lists the Document Types ordered by their assigned identification number. This section also includes the NumRows value for each Document Type. This is a value that in rare circumstances can be used to fine tune database performance. The default value of NumRows is 0.


Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups will not be included in Document Type Configuration reports.

Folder Reports

The report provides detailed configuration information for each Folder Type in OnBase. For each branch in the folder tree view in Folder Type configuration, the report lists the Folder Types included in the folder structure, followed by configuration information for each Folder Type.

The Folder Type Configuration report is ordered by Folder Type number.

Custom Queries

The first section alphabetically lists the custom queries and detailed information about each Custom Query configuration.

The second section lists each Custom Query ordered by its assigned identification number.

Scan Queues / Bar Codes

The Scan Queue Report section lists the scan queues with configuration information for each scan queue.

The Bar Code Process Report section lists any configured bar code processes with detailed configuration information.

The Scan Format Report section lists the scan formats with detailed configuration information.


Scanner Make and Model information and Image Processing information are not included in the Scan Format Report.

Print Formats

The first section is an alphabetical listing of print formats and detailed configuration information for each print format.

The second section is a listing of the print formats ordered by their assigned identification number.

Statement Types

A Statement Type is a printing configuration that prints a primary document and then immediately prints associated secondary documents.

The first section is an alphabetical listing of statements with detailed configuration information.

The second part of the report lists the statements ordered by their assigned identification number.

Document Distribution

Lists the currently defined Distribution Processes, their associated institutions and class of services, as well as their delivery method (x amount for fax; x amount for web; x amount for e-mail).

The report also shows the amount of recipient licenses remaining, and a breakdown of where the recipients are currently assigned.

Basic Exception Reports

The first section is an alphabetical list of the basic exception reports with configuration information.

The second section is a list of basic exception reports ordered by their assigned identification number.

Advanced Exception Reports

The first section is an alphabetic list of the advanced exception reports with detailed configuration information.

The second section is a list of advanced exception reports ordered by their assigned identification number.

Terminal Emulation

This report lists the configuration settings for terminal emulation.

User Groups / Rights

The report lists rights to Document Type Groups, Document Types, file cabinets, folders, Custom Queries, document privileges, folder privileges, scan/index batch privileges, Client features, Client-based product privileges, life cycles, note types, scan queues, print queues, Security Keyword Values, processing products, configuration, administrative privileges, product administrative privileges, work queues, members of the user group, and concurrent license configuration (min/max pool). This report also includes privileges for Modify/View Keywords and Create/View Versions. If a user has rights to any of these options, it will be designated by an X next to the privilege.


Deactivated users are not listed in User Groups / Rights reports.

Active Directory Security

The report lists configured domain information, mappings between Active Directory user groups and OnBase user groups, and mappings between Active Directory principals and OnBase user groups.

This report is available when your system is configured for Active Directory - Enhanced.

User Accounts

The User Account Configuration Report displays the following information about each user:

  • User name and user number

  • User's Real Name

  • The following configuration settings selected for the user:

    Externally Authenticated

    Disable Change Password

    User Group Administrator


    Digital Signature

  • Last logon date and time

  • User Groups to which the user belongs

  • Named User Licenses assigned to the user

Document Retention

This report lists the configuration settings for document retention.

Deprecated Options

This report lists any deprecated (phased out) software options that may still exist in the current system.

Deleted Disk Group Files

This report lists the full path to every copy of a file that has been purged from OnBase and removed from the disk groups. The report is produced as a SYS-Platter Management Report Document Type and contains the text DELETED FILES in the title.


To enable this report option, the Enable generation of deleted file reports (for 3rd party backup systems) check box must be selected on the Platter Management tab of the Global Client Settings dialog box.

HL7 Configuration

This report lists the configuration settings for HL7 module components, including HL7 Export Destinations, HL7 Translation Tables, HL7 Scan/COLD/DIP queues, HL7 Import Processes, and HL7 Message Templates. The HL7 Message Templates section lists the segments, fields, and mapped Keyword Types within each template.

For more information, see the HL7 module reference guide or Help files.


EDI HL7 Batch Message processes are excluded.

Records Management

This report provides Records Management configuration information. The report lists configured retention plans, retention plan sets, event sets, hold sets, and managed Folder Types. Each Folder Type is followed by its assigned retention plan, event set, hold reasons, and any Document Types assigned on the Auto-Folder tab.


Descriptions are limited to the number of characters that the report can fit on one line.

Scheduled Processes

This report provides information on all of the scheduled processes (process formats and process jobs) that have been scheduled to run. The report is organized by processing workstation, and displays a weekly, monthly and end-of-month schedule, with jobs listed in order by starting time.

COLD Processes

The COLD Process Format Configuration Report provides detailed configuration information about COLD processes.

Document Import

The Document Import Process Format Configuration Report provides detailed configuration information about document import processes.

XML Index Document Import

The XML Index Document Import Process Format Configuration Report provides detailed configuration information about XML index document import processes.

XML Tagged Import

The XML Tagged Import Process Format Configuration Report provides detailed configuration information about XML tagged import processes.

Check Processing

The first section is an alphabetic list of check import processes.

The second section is a list of check import processes ordered by the identification number assigned to the process.

The third section is a listing of the check cycle mappings, which allow checks from different statement processing days to be put into different Disk Groups.

The fourth section is a listing of trancodes. A trancode links a configured number to a Document Type.