Document Tab - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The following options are available on the Document tab:

Document Option


Use JPEG compressed TIFF as default color image format

When a color image file is exported from OnBase(e.g., via printing, internal email, or saving) or is recreated through processing (e.g., Advanced Capture processing), this option compresses the image first in order to save space and/or reduce network traffic. It can also improve performance when displaying color image files in Core Services applications.


While JPEG compression reduces file size, it also reduces image quality. If a document is repeatedly compressed and decompressed, its image quality will deteriorate.


This option is not respected when creating image attachments for external email. This is because many external image viewers cannot view JPEG compressed TIFF files. When this option is selected, image attachments for external email are sent as LZW compressed TIFF files.


If your documents are not displayed as expected after being exported from OnBase, deselect the Use JPEG compressed TIFF as default color image format check box and export the file again.

Allow image markups without requiring revision stamps

Select this option to allow revision markups on image documents without using the Revision Tool to stamp the revision number on the document.


When this option is deselected, image markups are not saved if there is no revision stamp, and the user will be unable to add a revision stamp before navigating to the previous or next document using Previous Document or Next Document on the Image ribbon in the Unity Client.

Don't promote B&W images to color during markup saving

Select this option to prevent users from adding color markups to black and white image documents. Users are only able to add black and white markups to black and white image documents. Image documents are not promoted to color when saving markups.


This option is not supported for use with the OnBase Client.


When this setting is selected, markups can only be drawn in black when using the Web Client.

Use large image memory conservation techniques

Select this option to enable memory conservation techniques that allow the OnBase Client to open very large image files.

Even with this option enabled, if insufficient resources are available to display an image at its original resolution, the image is displayed at a reduced quality and the Status Bar of the Document Viewer indicates Quality Reduced.

Work around jukebox image file limitations

Closes the image files Disk Group even as the file is being displayed in the OnBase image viewers.

Immediately clean printing temporary files

Select this option to delete files from the local Temp directory immediately after an externally printed file type (i.e., a PDF document) has been printed.

If this option is not selected, these files will be deleted once the OnBase Client is closed.

Archive Virtual Printer Driver documents as single-page image files (using File Archive through Client)

When this option is selected, a multi-page document printed using the Virtual Print Driver is saved to the disk group as separate files--one unique file per document page.


This option only applies to documents sent to the Virtual Print Driver from the OnBase Client. For more information, see the Virtual Print Driver documentation.

Send to > create new document deletes source pages by default

Selecting this option enables the Delete copied pages from original document option in the Create new document from existing dialog box by default.


This global client setting must be selected in order to delete the original copied pages when creating a new document in the Web Client.

Send to > create new document maintains batch number by default

Causes a document created by dragging and dropping an image document thumbnail, or by using the Send To | Create New Document option, to retain its original batch number. When the batch number is retained, the source document and the new document are handled in the same way when operations are performed on the batch. For example, if a source document is part of a batch that is purged, a document created from that source document will be simultaneously purged. If this option is not selected, the new document remains when the source document is purged.

Rendition Display Behavior

When opening a document that has one or more renditions, the rendition using the Document Type's default file format is displayed. If this rendition does not exist, the displayed rendition is based on the following settings:

Standard: The rendition with the lowest File Format number is displayed.

Text rendition last: The non-text rendition with the lowest File Format number is displayed.


See File Formats for a list of File Format numbers.

Latest rendition first: The most recent rendition is displayed.


When licensed for EDM Services, documents can have multiple revisions. The behavior described above pertains only to renditions of the latest revision. For more information on revisions, see the EDM Services help file or module reference guide.

Default Text Encoding

Select the default text encoding for text and HTML documents that were imported into the system using OnBase 13.0.2 or earlier.

For text and HTML documents that were imported using OnBase 14 or later, OnBase automatically detects and uses the text encoding included with the incoming document (i.e., the document's text encoding may differ from the default text encoding you specified from the drop-down list).

It is considered a best practice to specify the default encoding.


Text and HTML documents that were imported into the system using OnBase 13.0.2 or earlier may attempt to use different text encodings, depending on workstation locale, if a default text encoding is not specified. This can cause errors and inconsistencies in viewing the document.

File Upload Size Limit

Select Limit File Size to enable a limit for the size of a file that can be imported into OnBase. Enter a value in the field to set the size limit in megabytes.