Renaming Objects - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Most of the configured objects in OnBase(e.g. Document Types, Keyword Types etc.) cannot be deleted. If an object has been misconfigured, misspelled, or contains the wrong punctuation, the object can be renamed to keep the object functional, instead of leaving the object with no purpose.

Configured objects can all be renamed by following the same procedure.

  1. Open the dialog box where the object was first created. This dialog box will have all of the objects already created listed on the left side. Double-click on the name of the object you want to rename.
  2. The Rename dialog box displays. The Current Name shows the name of the object that you want to change.

    Type the new name into the New Name field and

  3. Click Save to save the new name.

    You will not be able to rename any documents under the System Document Type Group.

  4. It is best to name the configured objects with fairly descriptive names. Descriptive names can be extremely helpful when the number of configured objects begins to grow. Example:

    A named font might include the name of the font and the point size selected. This leaves no doubt as to what font you're selecting when you choose this font (Arial 12).

    A good idea for Document Types is to include a prefix for the Document Type Group to which the Document Type belongs (AP - Packing Slips).

  5. Click Save to retain the new name.