Module-Specific SYS Document Types - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

The Document Types in this section are associated with specific modules or licenses. Details on the uses of these Document Types can be found in the associated Module Reference Guide or the help files of the associated module.

Document Type

Associated Modules / Usage

SYS Automated CD Reports

Used by Automated CD/DVD Authoring, Automated CD/DVD Export, and Automated CD/DVD Publishing to report any system errors or messages generated during automated processing.


Automated platter backups using Automated CD/DVD Authoring are archived under SYS Platter Management Reports.

SYS Batch Printing Reports

Used by Image Statements.

When rendering a COLD batch, information about the rendering process is archived under this Document Type.

SYS CD Distribution Internal Document

For system use only. This Document Type is used by OnBase to archive information configured for a Rimage unit associated with Document Distribution.


Documents in this Document Type are machine readable only.

SYS Check Processing Reports

Not currently used by OnBase.

SYS Column Index Internal Document

For system use only. This Document Type is used by OnBase to archive information configured for Column Indexing searches associated with the COLD/ERM module.


Documents in this Document Type are machine readable only.

SYS Compliance Certificates

Used by Document Knowledge Transfer with Tests.

Stores test completion certificates.

SYS Document Retention Report

Used by Document Retention and Record Management.

Contains reports of documents purged as a result of Document Retention settings, or of documents excluded from a Document Retention purge as a result of conflicting Record Management settings.

SYS Document Template

Used by Document Composition and EDM Services.

Document templates are OLE documents that are stored in OnBase. Once a template is created and saved, it is archived under this Document Type by default. Templates can also be archived under a different Document Type.


PDF files are not supported with document templates.

SYS EDI Import Files

Used by the EDI processors.

If the Store Input File option is selected, a copy of the EDI import file is archived under this Document Type after the EDI process is completed.

SYS Electronic Signature

Used by Medical Records Management and Signature Pad Interface.

Signatures captured by OnBase are archived under this Document Type.

SYS Exception Reports

Used by Exception Reports.

Reports generated by this module are archived under this Document Type.

SYS Facility Logos

Used by GI Capture and Reporting and Universal Scope Capture.

Contains images of logos used to represent individual facilities in a health care organization. Images are selected for a facility in the GI and USC Administration applications. The selected logos are displayed at the top of a GI procedure report based on the procedure's facility.

SYS Financial System Communication

Used by Check 21.

When a posting file is generated via a Check 21 process, it is archived under this Document Type when the process is completed.

SYS Forge Viewable

Used by CAD Services.

Cached rendering of documents is archived under this Document Type.


HTML splash screens and E-Forms must be archived under this Document Type in order to be accessible by the system. Once an E-Form is created and archived, it is saved under this Document Type by default.

SYS Import Indexes

Used by DIP, TIP, and DJDE.

After a DIP, TIP, or DJDE process is completed, a copy of the import index file is archived under this Document Type.

SYS Import Match Files

Used by Image Statements.

When an association is made between a match file and a COLD batch, the match file is archived under this Document Type.

SYS Markup Image

Used by CAD Services.

Markups drawn onto CAD drawings are archived under this Document Type as *.edt files.

SYS Picture ID

Used by the Signature/ID Client.

The Signature/ID Client is a stand-alone executable that retrieves matching signature cards and picture IDs from OnBase. It is used primarily by financial institutions.

SYS Records Management

Used by Records Management.

Records Management reports are generated and archived to this Document Type.

SYS Scan Reports

Used by Document Imaging.

When a scanning report is generated by selecting Admin | Scanning Reports | Generate Report(s) in the Client it is archived under this Document Type.

SYS Signature Card

Used by the Signature/ID Client.

The Signature/ID Client is a stand-alone executable that retrieves matching signature cards and picture IDs from OnBase. It is used primarily by financial institutions.

SYS Signature Clip

Used by the Signature/ID Client.

The Signature/ID Client is a stand-alone executable that retrieves matching signature cards and picture IDs from OnBase. It is used primarily by financial institutions.

SYS Unidentified E-mail Attachments

Used by Mailbox Importer.

Reports under this Document Type contain information on e-mail attachments that could not be correctly archived.

SYS Unidentified E-mails

Used by Mailbox Importer.

Reports under this Document Type contain information on e-mails that could not be correctly archived.

SYS Unidentified Items

Used by all of the import processors (e.g., COLD, DJDE, TIP, DIP, AFP, HL7, PCL).

Reports under this Document Type contain information on imported documents that could not be correctly archived.

SYS Upload Reconciliation

Not used. This remains available for backward compatibility purposes.

SYS User Printing Reports

Used by Image Statements.

When rendering an individual document or selection of documents, information about the rendering process is archived under this Document Type.


When a COLD batch is rendered, information about that process is archived under SYS Batch Printing Reports.

SYS Workflow Chart

Used by the HL7 Module and Medical Records Unity Client.

Contains Virtual E-Forms that represent medical records charts.

SYS Workflow Logs

Used by Workflow to archive Workflow activity reports.


Reports of a document's history, generated from Workflow, are archived under SYS User Reports. List Contents Reports created from a Workflow life cycle are archived under SYS List Contents Reports. Studio export files are archived under SYS Configuration Reports.