Considerations for Using Not Equal Security Keywords - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Keep the following information in mind when configuring a Not Equal Security Keyword:

  • Not Equal is not designed to work with multiple values for a Keyword Type on a document because if one instance is the specified value and one is not, only the Keyword Value that appears first alphabetically will be evaluated by Not Equal to determine document access.

  • When a user or user group is configured to have a Security Keyword with more than one value of Not Equal, a document can show up multiple times in a hit list. This is due to the query used to generate the result set.

  • If the configured User Group rights result in the same value for a Security Keyword being specified as both Equal and Not Equal, then the value will be treated as Not Equal, and will not be accessed.

  • Generally, when Not Equal and Equal conditions are mixed, unexpected behavior may occur. For example, if a User Group and one of its users have opposing conditions on the same Keyword Type Value, the system may respect one or the other condition, depending on the circumstances.

Security Keyword features may vary within certain modules. See Security Keyword Usage for more information.

This example displays how restrictions are applied when combinations of Equal and Not Equal are assigned for the same Keyword Type across User Groups. Typically, a User Group will be granted rights to any and all documents that meet any Security Keyword criteria.