Importing Users from a Text File - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

To import users from a text file:

  1. In the Configuration module, select User Names / Passwords from the Users menu. The Users Names & Passwords dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the Import button. The User Import dialog box is displayed.
  3. Type the path to the import file, including the file name, in the Import File Path field, or click Browse to navigate to the file.
  4. Under File Format, select the way the account values are defined in the text file. Each line of the file must be formatted in the way selected.
    • Comma Separated, Quotation Delimited: For example, "ejones","password","real name"

    • Comma Separated, No Delimiter: For example, eallan,password,real name

    • Tab Separated, No Delimiter: For example, ajohnson<tab>password<tab>real name(where <tab> is an actual tab stop in the text file)

  5. Under File Format, select the account values to import. A user name must always be included.
    • Password: A password is required for all new users. Passwords for existing users are not updated with the value in the import file. If a Password value is included in the import, it must follow the user name value.


      Users imported with passwords are configured to use Standard Logon. Users imported with empty passwords are configured to use Integrated Security Logon Only. For more information on these options, see the section on creating a user.

    • Real Name: In the import file, the Real Name value must follow the Password or user name values, depending on if passwords are included in the import.

    • Email Address: In the import file, the Email Address value must follow the Real Name, Password, or user name values, depending on the values included.

    • User Group: In the import file, the User Group value must follow the Email Address, Real Name, Password, or user name values, depending on the values included.


      If the User Group specified in the import file does not exist, it is created.

      To import a user into more than one User Group, create a separate line for each User Group the user is in. Each line must contain the exact same information for the user, except the User Group will be different in each line. You must also select Update Existing User Information in the additional options, or the second line with the same user name will cause on import error.


      Each line of the import file must contain the same number of fields, corresponding to the values selected. For example, if you are importing User Name, Password, Real Name, and Email Address for each user, each line must contain four fields. Empty values are accepted.


      See the Example in the User Import dialog box to determine the values and order required.

  6. Select any additional options for the import:
    • Change Password at First Login For New Users: Forces new users to change their passwords when they first log in. This option only applies to new users.


      The Change Password at First Login For New Users option does not apply when a user logs in via Active Directory or LDAP authentication. This option does not take effect in the OnBase Web Client unless the Password Options for the user's User Group are set to Password expires on first use.

    • Update Existing User Information: Updates information for existing users contained in the import file, except passwords. Passwords for existing users are never updated with the value in the import file. This option is only available if the Real Name, Email Address, or User Group is included in the import. This option cannot be selected if Ignore Existing Users is selected.


      Updating the Real Name or Email Address information replaces the old information. Updating the User Group information adds the user to that additional user group, it does not replace any existing User Group information. If the User Group specified in the import file does not exist, it is created.

    • Ignore Existing Users: Ignores any information in the import file for existing users. This option cannot be selected if Update Existing User Information is selected.

  7. Click Test to test the import process. If an error is encountered during import, the import stops at the line that caused the error. Testing the import first helps ensure that the import is successful. Correct any errors reported until the test import passes.
  8. Click Import.

    If an error is encountered during import, the import stops at the line that caused the error. All lines before the line with the error are imported.