Updating Users in the XML Import File - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

OnBase users are added or updated from the XML import file using the user element: <user id="jrobbins" if-exists="update">.

The value of the id attribute is replaced with the user name of an existing or new user account in OnBase. The value of the if-exists attribute must be one of the following values:

  • update: Change the existing user account as configured in the XML import file.

  • ignore: Do not make any changes to the existing user account.

  • error: Return an error for the import process and do not make any changes to the existing user account.

  • delete: Delete the user account from OnBase.


If the user account defined by the id attribute does not exist in OnBase, it is created as part of the import process, unless the if-exists value is set to delete.

Within the user element, the following elements can be included to update the corresponding user account information in OnBase:

  • realname: The real name of the user.

  • email: The email address of the user.

  • sid: The Active Directory ID for the user, in standardized SID notation.

  • password: The OnBase password for the new user account.

    This element also accepts the force-change-on-login attribute, which can be set to either true or false. If the value is true, the user is forced to change their password on their first log in after the import. If it is set to false, the user is not forced to change their password. The default value is true.


The password is only set during the import process for new user accounts. Passwords are not updated for existing user accounts.

The SMTP email settings can be also updated for the user account by including the smtp element. The smtp element accepts the following child elements:

  • server: The server address. For example, smtp.myserver.com.

  • login: The log in value of the user account on the SMTP server.

  • password: The password associated with the login value on the SMTP server.

  • account: The account address of the login value on the SMTP server. For example, jsmith@myserver.com.

User Group membership can also be included for the user account in OnBase by including the groups element with a mode attribute set to add or replace: <groups mode="replace">.

If the mode is set to replace, the user is removed from all current User Groups in OnBase and is added only to the User Groups included as child elements of the groups element. If the mode is set to add, the user is added to the User Groups listed as child elements of the groups element. The default value of the mode attribute is add.

User Groups are added as child elements of the groups element by including a group element with an id attribute, where the id is set to the name of the User Group in OnBase: <group id="Global Developers"/>.

For example, to add or update account information for user jsmith, including the SMTP settings and User Group memberships, include a user element like this in the XML import file:

<user-group-import institution="0">
<user id="jsmith" if-exists="update">
    <realname>Jack Smith</realname>
    <password force-change-on-login="true">password</password>
    <groups mode="replace">
        <group id="Global Developers"/>
        <group id="General Users 1"/>
        <group id="Password Administrators"/>