User Group Configuration for Product Rights - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

Product Rights for different OnBase modules can be assigned to users within a selected User Group, customizing the access of different users.


Each of the OnBase modules must have a purchased license (in addition to having the associated Privileges and Product Rights) in order to access them.


Before removing a product license, deselect the Privileges and Product Rights associated with that product.

  1. In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights.
  2. Select the user group to be configured and click Product Rights to open the Assigning Product Rights for [user group] dialog box:
  3. Enable the check boxes that correspond to the privileges that should be granted to the User Group. Reset automatically restores the check box settings displayed when the dialog box was last opened. Clear deselects all boxes.

    If you are using the -ROMANZO switch, you can select all privileges by clicking Set All.


    Before using features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch, ensure that you understand the feature and implications of any changes to your system. Contact your service provider with any questions regarding these features. Features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch should not be made available to the casual user. Remove the -ROMANZO switch after completing necessary actions.

    See the tables below for descriptions of each check box.

  4. When all rights have been enabled, click Save.

    In addition to having the associated privileges and Product Rights, in order to access additional module functionality (COLD features, for example) the additional module must have a purchased license.

    Registered Processing Products



    Enables login to OnBase, including the OnBase Client and Unity Client.

    Also enables login to other Unity-based modules.

    Web Client

    Enables login to the Web Client module.

    Mobile Client

    Enables login to OnBase through a mobile device using a mobile platform.

    COLD Processor

    Enables the processing of COLD Processor formats. Required in order to see the COLD Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled COLD processes.

    Check Image Processor

    Enables the processing of Check Image Processor formats. Required in order to see the Check Image Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled Check Image Processor processes.

    Document Import Processor

    Enables the processing of Document Import Processor formats. Required in order to see the Document Import Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled DIP processes.


    Enables Document Imaging functionality. Required in order to see the Scan, Scan from Disk, and Sweep Directory options in the Scan Queue.

    Full-Page OCR

    Enables OCR processing and the ability to route documents to the Awaiting Ad Hoc OCR batch status queue.

    Advanced/Intelligent Capture

    Enables Advanced Capture processing. Also enables the ability to configure Advanced Capture forms when used in conjunction with the Document Imaging product right.

    XML Tagged Import

    Enables the processing of XML Tagged Import formats. Required in order to see the Tagged Import Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled TIP processes.


    Enables publishing (including the runtime executable) using an Export Format.

    Exception Reports

    Enables the generation of Basic and Advanced Exception Reports.


    Enables the exporting of information. If unchecked, the Export option will not be available at the document level or at the platter level in Platter Management, in OnBase.


    The Export Registered Processing Product Right only applies to export/publishing. It does not control the Export to DIP functionality. The Document Properties Privilege controls the Export to DIP functionality.

    Print Distribution

    Enables the configuration of Print Distribution Formats, and printing using these formats.

    HTML/Unity Forms

    Allows HTML forms and Unity Forms to be created and configured for use.

    Document Retention

    Enables the configuration and processing of Document Retention Processor formats.

    EDI Processors

    Enables the processing of EDI Processor formats. Required in order to see the EDI Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled EDI processes.

    XML Index Document Import Processor

    Enables the processing of XML Document Import formats. Required in order to see the Document Import Processor option in OnBase. Allows user to view scheduled DIP processes.

    Med2Web Physician Portal

    Enables access to the Physician Portal.

    Administrative Privileges


    Import Manager

    Allows for the Import of anything exported (Export module) from another database.

    Platter Management

    Allows access to the Platter Management functions (Disk Group maintenance) in OnBase.

    AutoFill Keyword Set Mgmt

    Enables the creation, modification, and maintenance of AutoFill Keyword Sets, using the functions available at the AutoFill Keyword Sets drop-down in OnBase.

    User Management

    Enables access to the View Current Users dialog box.

    In the Web Client, this privilege allows the User Group to administer Active Sessions from the Admin context, provided the Web Client product right is also assigned. For more information, see the Web Server module reference guide or help file.

    In the Unity Client, when this privilege and the Usergroup Security configuration right are both selected, the User Group can create and configure User Option Policies from the User Option Policy Administration layout. For more information, see the Unity Client module reference guide.


    Enables access to the following Admin | Utilities menu options:

    • Unlock Users

    • System Statistics

    • Windows Services

    • Load Icons and Bitmaps

    • Commit Icons and Bitmaps

    • Hyland Community

    • Launch Configuration Module

    • Edit INI File

    In the Unity Client, this option allows a user to see and manage all locks for all users in the Manage Locks dialog box.

    Document/Folder Purge

    Enables access to Document Maintenance and Folder Maintenance dialog boxes for undeleting or purging documents and folders. Disabling this option will hide any scheduled Document purges in the Schedule Management dialog box.

    Document/Folder Process Lock

    Enables access to Document Lock Administration and Process Lock Administration dialog boxes for unlocking documents and folders.

    Retrieve by Document Handle/File Name

    Allows searching of a document based on its document handle and file name.

    Document handle searches in Core Services applications, such as the Web Client, may return fewer documents than they do in the OnBase Client. This inconsistency occurs because the OnBase Core does not retrieve documents belonging to Document Types that you lack privileges to view or that are restricted based on Security Keywords.

    Document handle searches in the OnBase Client let you retrieve all documents regardless of Document Type privileges and Security Keyword constraints, but you cannot open or view information about restricted documents other than their Document Types.

    For example, if a document handle search in the OnBase Client retrieves a document that you lack privileges to view, the OnBase Client displays the document in a results list in the following format: (Restricted): [Document Type Name]. The same search in the OnBase Web Client would display the message No Documents Found.

    Run Scripts

    Allows Visual Basic scripts to be created, modified and run.

    Keyword Update

    Allows the Keyword Update processes (Doc Type and Global) to be created, modified, and run.

    Override Query Restrictions

    Allows the user group to run queries that violate the Unrestricted Query Warning option set in the Document Type Settings dialog box and the Keyword field is required for Retrieve Dialog Queries option set in the Keyword Options dialog box. User group members can run unrestricted queries and perform document retrieval without entering a value for required Keyword Types.

    You can use this right to control restrictions at a User Group level for each Document Type.

    Document Distribution

    Allows the user group access to all Document Distribution dialog boxes in OnBase(accessed by selecting Admin | Document Distribution in OnBase).

    Checkout/Check In Override

    Grants users rights to override document checkout for documents checked out by other users via persistent checkout. For more information, see the EDM Services module reference guide.


    Grants users rights to the Auto-Publish Schedule Items dialog box and the Auto-Publish Job Queue, for the purpose of configuring and managing Auto-Publishing jobs.

    Create Substitute Check

    Required in order to have access to the Substitute Check and Return Substitute Check selections in the Print IRD dialog box.

    Report Capture

    Grants the user group permission to access the Report Capture Administration window in the Unity Client.

    Org Charts

    Grants user rights to Org Charts. For more information, see the Workflow module reference guide.


    Grants user rights to Calendar. For more information, see the Workflow module reference guide.

    Check 21

    Grants user rights to the Image Cash Letter Queue and the ability to Mark for Return from the Check Image document hit list.

    Document Retention Manager

    Grants user rights to re-index or delete documents associated with a Document Retention process. When this is granted, Document Retention | Re-Index and Document Retention | Delete menu options are available from a search results list or an open document.

    Time Stamp Signatures

    This option is a legacy setting that is no longer respected by OnBase.

    Extractor for Data Warehouse

    Grants user rights to the Extractor for Data Warehouse dialog box (accessed by selecting Admin | Extractor for Data Warehouse).

    Folder Note Types

    Allows users to create and configure folder Note Types and to create notes in the OnBase Client.

    This Product Right is not required for users to view, create, edit, or delete folder notes. These privileges can be assigned by the user who configures Folder Note Types.

    StatusView User Management

    Allows users to assign StatusView configuration privileges to other User Groups within the StatusView module's Privileges context.


    Allows users to use the API document purge.


    Allows users to create, modify, view, and delete BPMN Processes and BPMN Collaboration Diagrams. For more information, see the BPMN Modeler module reference guide.

    Automated Redaction

    Allows users to review and approve pending redactions and create the redacted versions of documents.


    To create the redacted versions of documents, rights to the Pending Automated Redaction note type are also required. For more information, see the Automated Redaction module reference guide.

    Web Server

    Allows users to view server-side diagnostics and logging profiles. For more information, see the Web Server module reference guide.

    Compliance Testing

    Grants privileges to create and administer tests and questions, as well as take ownership of a test or question category. For more information, see the Tests and Surveys documentation.


    Allows users to administer Collaboration. For more information, see the Collaboration module reference guide.

    Global Scan Format Management

    Allows Unity Client users to manage global scan formats across all workstations in the OnBase system. For more information, see the Document Imaging module reference guide.


    Allows users to administer OB/GYN. For more information, see the OB/GYN module reference guide.

    Plan Review

    Allows users to access the Plan Review interface within the Unity Client. For more information, see the Plan Review module reference guide.

    Configuration Product Rights



    Enables login to the Configuration module and the ability to launch the Configuration module from OnBase.

    Database Management

    Enables the launching of System Statistics from OnBase.


    This product right is not dependent on the Configuration product right.

    WorkView Configuration

    Allows users in the selected User Group to log on to the WorkView Configuration tool.

    Test System Creation

    Allows users in the selected User Group to access he Utils | Change Control | Test System Creation option in the Configuration module

    Allows users in the selected User Group to be specified in the Test System Creation utility.

    For more information, see Test System Creation Utility Overview.

    Change Tracking

    Allows users in the selected User Group to access Change Tracking in OnBase Studio. For more information, see Change Tracking Overview.

    Environment Value Management

    Allows users in the selected User Group to access Environment Value Management through OnBase Studio.

    For more information, see the Change Control documentation.

    Administrative Processing Privileges


    COLD Processor

    Allows COLD batches to be purged from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues. Allows for the viewing of Verification Reports at the batch level, regardless of rights granted to the SYS - Verification Reports Document Type.

    Check Processor

    Allows Check Image batches to be purged from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues. Allows for the viewing of Verification Reports at the batch level, regardless of rights granted to the SYS - Verification Reports Document Type.

    Document Import Processor

    Allows Document Import batches to be purged from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues. Allows for the viewing of Verification Reports at the batch level, regardless of rights granted to the SYS - Verification Reports Document Type.

    Document Imaging

    Allows users to perform various actions on scanned batches. For more information, see the Document Imaging documentation.


    When this option is selected, Commit Scanned Batches, Purge Scanned Batches, Purge Committed Scanned Batches, Change Batch Scan Queue Privileges and Rename Scanned Batches are automatically selected and cannot be deselected.

    XML Tagged Import

    Allows users to purge TIP batches from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues.

    Client Scheduler

    Allows OnBase Client users to schedule jobs and processes, modify scheduled items, and to delete scheduled jobs or processes.

    Log Management

    Allows users to access the Scheduler Logging Configuration dialog in the OnBase Client, as well as the ability to manually delete entries from the Activity Log in the Schedule Management dialog.

    Unity Scheduler

    Allows users without MANAGER or ADMINISTRATOR privileges to log in to the Unity Scheduler.

    Task Management

    Allows users to see every task assigned to every User Group within the Unity Management Console.

    Service Details

    Allows administrators to view the service name, host name, and ODBC name of the Unity Scheduler Service that executed each task within the Unity Scheduler administration layout.

    Directory Import Processor

    Allows users access to run the Directory Import Processor in the OnBase Client.


    Allows system work, timer work, load balancing and workflow log purges to be executed in OnBase. This privilege also allows users to manually route documents in a life cycle using the Route Document option. This privilege grants rights to the Workflow Server Queues tab in the Workstation Options dialog box.

    EDI Processors

    Allows EDI batches to be purged from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues. Allows for the viewing of Verification Reports at the batch level, regardless of rights granted to the SYS - Verification Reports Document Type.

    Unity Administrator

    Allows users access to the Unity Scripts tab in OnBase Studio. Unity administrators can configure connection strings to an external database. Unity administrators also have rights to view all existing scripts and can assign permission to these scripts.

    Also allows users to configure external Unity API applications in OnBase Studio.

    Unity Developer

    Allows users access to the Unity Scripts tab in OnBase Studio.

    This privilege is selected automatically if the Unity Administrator option is selected.

    XML Index Document Import Processor

    Allows users to purge DIP batches from the Incomplete Process, Awaiting Commit, and Incomplete Commit queues.

    DS Client Administrator

    Allows users to do the following:

    • Perform local Disconnected Scanning configuration

    • Configure connection information to the OnBase Application Server

    • Import and export scan formats

    • Configure automatic uploads to OnBase

    • Perform Keyword Data Set/AutoFill Keyword Set maintenance

    • Configure the local disk group

    • Set the Disconnected Scanning workstation's remote ID

    • Enable/disable logging for the Messages window.

    For more information, see the Disconnected Scanning module reference guide.

    Application Server

    Enables the Recycle AppPool button in OnBase Studio. For more information, see the OnBase Studio module reference guide.

    Revenue Cycle Management

    This option is not supported.


    Allows users access to VNA batch processing in the OnBase Client. For more information, see the VNA module reference guide.

    Document Transfer

    Applies to the Document Transfer module. For more information, see the Document Transfer module reference guide.