Creating a User - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1
  1. In the Configuration module, select Users | User Names / Passwords.

    The Users Names & Passwords dialog box is displayed and lists all system user accounts.

  2. Type a unique user name into the User Name field and click Create.

    A maximum of 75 characters can be entered for user name. When logging in, more than 75 characters can be entered at the login dialog box (User Name field), however, only the first 75 characters will be verified against the database.


    User names that contain a semicolon cannot receive internal mail.


    When creating a new user, a process lock is put in place so that no one else can create a new user until the changes are saved. This lock is removed upon saving changes but can also be removed manually by accessing Admin | Utilities | Process Lock Administration in the OnBase Client.

  3. The User Settings dialog box is displayed after a valid User Name is entered.
  4. Enter the user's given name in the User's Real Name field. You can type both upper and lowercase letters in this field. The user's real name is displayed instead of the user's OnBase name in various areas, such as the Envelope Sharing User Configuration dialog box.

    If the Display real name instead of user name global client setting is selected, the User's Real Name field is required when you manually create a user.

  5. Enter the user's email address in the User's Email field. When external mail is sent to this user, the compliant, external email system is activated.
  6. Select one of the following options:
    • Integrated Security Logon Only- Select to allow the user account to be created without a password, so that the account can log in to OnBase using Active Directory or LDAP authentication.

      When logging in to the OnBase Client or Configuration module, this option requires the -AL command line switch be applied to the OnBase Client or Configuration module shortcuts, respectively. For more information on the -AL command line switch, see the section on command line switches.

    • Standard Logon- Select to require the user account to enter a password upon in to OnBase.


      The Integrated Security Logon Only option is not available for the ADMINISTRATOR and MANAGER accounts.

  7. Enter the user's password in the User Password field. Verify the password by re-typing it in the Verify Password field.

    Since the user has yet to be assigned to a User Group, the default password policy is enforced when creating this password.

  8. Select Require Password Change on Next Login to require a password change the next time the user logs in.
  9. To copy the User Options Settings from another user profile, select the user from the Copy User Options From drop-down list. Copied options include user options, named licenses, and administrative options. Additionally, you can copy the User Groups the user belongs to by selecting the Copy User's User Groups option.

    Save the selected user choice for any additional users you are configuring in the current session by selecting the Keep Copy User Choice option.


    When you exit the User Settings dialog box, the Copy User's User Groups option is reset to a deselected state. When you log out of the Configuration module, the Keep Copy User Choice option is reset to a deselected state and the Copy User Options From selection is reset to <None>.

    If a User Template is set, the Copy User Options From drop-down list will default to the user chosen as the template.

  10. Assign named-user licenses to the user by selecting the licenses from the User-Assigned Licenses list in the Licenses area. Named-user licenses allow designated individuals to use certain modules. Only licenses for which the system is already licensed are displayed in the list.

    When updating a previously created user, licenses for which the system is not currently licensed are displayed in the Assigned Licenses list if the user was assigned the license before it was disabled for the system. Once the license is deselected and the User Settings dialog box is saved, the license is no longer displayed.

    If the system is licensed for Workflow and WorkView and you want the user to only be able to consume a combined Workflow/WorkView license, select the Combined Workflow/WorkView License option.


    If you select this setting, you will be unable to assign the user the Workflow Named User or WorkView Named User option. Selecting this option will clear the Workflow Named User and WorkView Named User options if they were previously selected. Likewise, deselecting this option will clear the Combined Workflow / WorkView Named User option if it was previously selected.

  11. If the user should have rights to configure all life cycles in the Workflow module, select the Workflow Configuration Administrator check box.
  12. Select the Disable Change Password check box if the user should not be allowed to change their password.
  13. If the User Group Administrator check box is available, selecting it gives the user the ability to configure rights for all user groups, including user groups of which the user is not a member. In order to have access to the Users | User Group/Rights menu, the user must also have the System Security Configuration right.

    The User Group Administrator check box is not enabled for all users and under all conditions. The check box is disabled if:

    • The user is viewing his/her own record.

    • The user is viewing Manager or Administrator records.

    • The user is not currently a User Group Administrator.

    • The user is a member of a User Group that only has the Password Admin configuration right.

    • The user has selected a User Account in the Copy User Options From: drop-down.

    • The user is viewing a User Account that is designated as a Service Account.

  14. Select Service Account if you would like a user name to be used to run a service within OnBase exclusively for applications such as the Distribution Service and the Hyland Timer Service. This allows the services to run without a physical user present.

    If Service Account is selected, the User Group Administrator check box is automatically deselected and only the User's Real Name, User's Email, and Update Password options are enabled. Deselecting the Service Account check box for the existing user allows them to retain all previous rights and privileges that were previously assigned to them. Options in the User Settings dialog box are cleared when the Service Account check box is selected and must be reapplied when the check box is deselected.


    The Service Account check box should never be selected with an account that is being used to run OnBase as a Windows service. For more information on running OnBase as a Windows service, see Running the Client as a Windows Service.


    Designating an existing user account as a Service Account removes the existing user from all User Groups and prevents the user from being added into a User Group. Users that are configured as service accounts will not be able to log into OnBase through standard interfaces. A Service Account also grants the user name full rights and privileges in OnBase.

  15. Select the Account Expires after option if the user account should be deactivated after a certain day. The current date is displayed by default. To specify the day, select it from the calendar using the drop-down button. You can also click the numbers representing the month, day, or year and modify the selected portion of the date by entering the appropriate number.

    This option is disabled for the ADMINISTRATOR and MANAGER user accounts.

  16. Click Save to save the password settings. The new user will be added to the User Name box in the User Names & Passwords dialog box.

    You may also import users into the system using the User Import functionality.