Interface Translations - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

While not required, it is strongly recommended you use a database that supports Unicode characters when using interface translations. This is especially important when dealing with languages that use multi-byte characters. For more information, contact your first line of support.

Interface translations allow system administrators to translate certain configuration item names displayed in OnBase into different languages. This way, certain users are able to see configuration item names in a language familiar to them.

Configuration items are items you create in the Configuration module. Examples include Document Types, Folder Types, and Keyword Types. A complete list of translatable items can be found in Translatable Configuration Items.


Translations are not available in the OnBase Client or external applications. Translations are only available to users in the Web Client and Unity Client.

There are several types of translated languages you can configure for your users: Locale-neutral languages, Locale-specific languages, and the Primary Language.

  • A Locale-neutral language is a base language that is not associated with any specific cultures or dialects. For example, French is a Locale-neutral language.

  • A Locale-specific language is a language that is related to a specific culture or dialect. For example, French (Canada) is a Locale-specific language.

  • The Primary Language is the language the database was initially configured in.

OnBase attempts to display translated items using the Locale-specific language specified in the regional settings of the client workstation (e.g., the Windows option Control Panel | Regional Options). If the configured Locale-specific language does not contain a translation for a specific item, OnBase displays that item using the related Locale-neutral language. If this translation is also unavailable, the item is displayed using the Primary Language.


It is recommended to configure OnBase for a Locale-neutral language whenever possible. However, if there are regional or cultural differences in the language used by your users, use a Locale-specific language.