Exporting Configuration Items - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

To export configuration items from a specified language:

  1. Click on Utils | Interface Translations | Create and Modify Translations.

    The Create and Modify Translations dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the language whose items you would like to export and click Export.

    The Export Translations dialog box is displayed.

  3. Specify the location and the name of the export file in the field, or click Browse to specify the desired location and file name. If you do not specify a file extension, the file is saved as a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  4. Choose from the following options:




    Define the character that will enclose each field item in the export file:

    Single Quote: Places single quotes around each item (e.g., '596 Main St.', 'Minneapolis, MN 59634').

    Double Quote: Places double quotes around each item (e.g., "596 Main St.", "Minneapolis, MN 59634").

    None: Does not use a delimiter (e.g., 596 Main St., Minneapolis, MN 59634).

    Delimiters are commonly used when a separator is present within the field.


    Do not select None if translation items or translated values exceed one line. These items cannot be imported if this occurs.


    Define the character or method in which values will be separated in the export file:

    Comma: Places a comma in between each item in the file.

    Tab: Places a tab in between each value in the file.

    Custom: Allows you to enter the character that will be used to separate values will be separated in the file.

    Exclude Translated Items

    Only items that do not contain a translated value are exported to the file.

    Clear Translated Values

    No translated values are exported to the file.


    This option is disabled when Exclude Translated Items is selected.

    Include Item Description Column

    A description column is included in the file. This column indicates the item type of each item.

  5. To specify only certain configuration items for export, from the Items to export list, select the items that should be exported. By default, all items are selected.

    To remove selected items from export, click to deselect them. Click Clear to deselect all items.


    At least one item must be selected to export.

    To export deselected items, click to select and highlight them. Click Select All to select all items in the list.

  6. Click Export to create the export file.

    You are notified whether any of your items contain the separator you selected. Affected items are displayed. These items cannot be imported with the selected separator.