System Utilities Overview - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

A group of functions are available in the Configuration module to manage the entire system configuration environment.

To access these functions, in the Configuration module, select Utils in the main menu bar. The Utils drop-down menu includes the following options:


You must have the System Configuration right for these menu options to be displayed. Depending on your licensing, additional options may be available.

Utils Function



Allows you to view and configure licensing information using the following submenu options:

  • Product Licenses- Displays the current licensing scheme for the database. Typically, each product module requires an individual license on the server or workstation where the module is executed. Licenses can be bound to a database, institution, service bureau, processing workstation, or an individual client, as indicated by the Database/Institution Licenses, Workstation Licenses, and Check Processor Licenses tabs.

  • Update Product- Used to update the available product list. If a product is not available for licensing in the Product Licenses dialog box, you may need to update the available product list.

  • License Certificate- Used for importing and exporting product licensing information and importing License Certificates. A License Certificate is an installation-specific file that must be obtained from your OnBase software manufacturer or licensed vendor. During the install, you will be required to log into a Certification Verification web site to receive a response code to enable the certificate. For more information, see the Certificate Licensing module reference guide.

  • View License Info Number- Used by technical support to diagnose licensing issues.

  • Usage-Based Billing Setup- Used to generate a challenge code for your solution provider to set up Usage-Based Billing.

For more information, see Product Licenses.

Fast Load

Enables Document Types and their associated Keyword Types to be quickly loaded from a fast load file, instead of accessing the actual database every time the Client module is open.

System Generated User Settings

Allows you to configure a default user group for system-generated users.


Currently, this function only affects your system if you are using Integration for Single Sign-On. For details, see the Legacy Authentication Methods module reference guide.

Workstation Registration

Selecting this option displays the Workstation Options dialog box.

Configuration Window Size

Allows you to save/unsave the current configuration window size as the default size. The next time you start up the Configuration module, its window size will be the same as what you have previously saved.

Icon and Bitmap Import Process

Enables the Load Icons and Bitmaps option in the OnBase Client. For more information, see Re-Loading the Icons and Bitmaps.

Login Banners

Allows you to configure login banners, which are messages displayed to users upon logging in to the system. For more information on login banners, see Configuring Login Banners.

Hyland Community

Click this option to automatically open the Hyland Community web site in your web browser.

Backwards Compatibility

Allows you to configure settings for backwards compatibility. For more information, see Backwards Compatibility Settings.

Version Compatibility

This lets you set a minimum version for the OnBase Client, Unity Client, and Web Client that a user is allowed to log onto for a given database. This will prevent users with older versions of the software from logging on.

For more information, see Setting Minimum Version Compatibility.


Allows you to set the settings related to the database that interacts with OnBase. See Database Functions for more information.

Migrate Committed Scan Batches

Allows you to migrate data from scan batches committed in older versions of OnBase to the appropriate database table, making these older batches visible in the Committed batch status queue. For more information, see the Document Imaging module reference guide.

Change Control

Allows you to access and configure Change Control utilities. The Export and Import utilities allow you to export and import configuration items from one system to another. The Test System Creation utility allows you to create a test environment using an existing production database. For more information on Change Control utilities, see Change Control Overview.


Allows you to configure a specific encryption suite for OnBase. The encryption suite configured is used to encrypt credentials stored in the OnBase database and keys that are used internally by the software. For more information on cryptography settings, see Cryptography Settings.

Service Monitoring

Allows you to manually reset the cache of OnBase application servers by clicking the Reset Cache button. Resetting the cache effectively implements changes you've made within the Configuration module to the Web Client, the Unity Client, and modules that communicate to OnBase through the application server. Existing users' sessions will not be interrupted. New users will see the changes upon login.


Using the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration or the Reset Server Cache option in OnBase Studio may have a negative impact on system performance. Requests to the Application Server will be forced to wait until the cache is rebuilt before they can be processed. Depending on the size of the OnBase system, as well as the current server load, the performance impact of resetting the cache may be severe. To avoid performance issues, only reset the cache of the Application Server during off-peak hours.

From here, you can also Prompt to Reset Cache on Configuration Exit. By default, this option is enabled so that the prompt will appear every time you exit the Configuration module. See Implementing Configuration Changes for more information.

Check Max Num Keys

Checks the current values for unique identifiers in the software. A unique identifier is a non-editable number assigned to an item upon its creation in the software (e.g., a Document Handle).

A warning message is displayed if, for example, the number of documents in your system is approaching the limit allowed in your database. Immediately contact your first line of support if this warning is displayed. Your system may become unusable if this issue is not properly addressed.


This option is not available for databases using 64-bit integer fields.

Check File Path Length

Checks the length of file paths in all Disk Groups to make sure they are not exceeding the allowed character limit. File paths that exceed the character limit allowed by your database can cause your system to not work properly.

If any Disk Groups have file-path lengths greater than the allowed amount, contact your first line of support.

Increase Itemname Length

Requires the -ROMANZO switch to be enabled.


Before using features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch, ensure that you understand the feature and implications of any changes to your system. Contact your service provider with any questions regarding these features. Features enabled by the -ROMANZO switch should not be made available to the casual user. Remove the -ROMANZO switch after completing necessary actions.

This feature only applies to databases configured before OnBase version 5.2 and it increases the itemname column lengths from 101 characters to 255 characters of the following: itemdata, trashcan, and dynfoldtmpl. This option can only be run once and is unavailable in the Utils menu after the itemname column lengths have been increased.

This option can cause page-level fragmentation in a database, which can cause performance issues. This option also increases the size of the itemdata table.

Update All Deprecated Options

Updates all deprecated (phased out) software options that may still be in use within the system.

Document Display URLs

Allows for the creation of Document Display URLs, which allow certain modules to output unique URLs to documents and other objects.

For more information on Document Display URLs, see the section on configuring a Document Display URL.

Institution Names

Allows for the creation of institutions, which are used to segregate data within an institutional database system. Institution names can be up to 18 characters in length. This option is only used within an institutional database system.

Engage Institutional Mode

Initiates the conversion and formatting of a database for use in an institutional database configuration.

Configuration Tree

Gives a graphical and hierarchical representation of system elements and their relationship to other configured system modules and elements.

Web Services


Windows Services

Allows you to configure the OnBase Client to run as a Windows Service. For more information, see Running the Client as a Windows Service.

Application Server

Allows you to define the Application Server path and data source for the Application Server that will be used by OnBase modules. For more information, see Defining the Application Server.

Redaction Migration

This utility allows for the transitions of redacted images, created in previous versions of software, to a standard Document Type storage scheme. See Configuring Document Type Redaction for more information.

Core-Based Settings

Allows you to configure OnBase Core Services settings.

Select Prevent usage of saved credentials by Desktop to disable the Always Use This Account When Logging In check box that is displayed on the Desktop login screen.


The Prevent usage of saved credentials by Desktop option is a legacy setting that is no longer respected by OnBase.

Select Log License Usage to enable logging of license usage with the OnBase application server. After being restarted, the application server will log the license usage of the OnBase system every five minutes.


If your solution includes multiple Application Servers, the same license usage information is logged for each Application Server currently in use. Specific workstation information is also included in the log to help distinguish Application Servers.

By default, actions logged to the OnBase Transaction Log through Core Services applications are translated according to the locale set on the Application Server machine. You can change this behavior so that actions performed in Core Services applications are logged in a specific language regardless of the Application Server locale.

Select the language from the Transaction Log Locale drop-down list that should be used to log transaction messages from OnBase Core Services applications. After the Application Server is restarted, all actions performed in Core Services applications are logged in the selected language.

When Workstation Locale is selected, the locale used to log transaction messages is that of the Application Server.


As a best practice, it is recommended you select a specific locale to log transaction messages. This ensures transaction messages are displayed in a language familiar to administrators, regardless of what changes are later made to the Application Server.


You are able to generate a report of this data by clicking Admin | License Usage Report in the OnBase Client. See License Usage Report for more information.

Interface Translations

Allows you to configure translations for your OnBase system. See Interface Translations for more information.

Web Integration Settings

Allows you to configure settings for Unity Client and Web Client web integrations. For more information, see the Unity Client and Web Client module reference guides.

Integrated Office Viewer Settings

Allows you to configure settings for the Integrated Office Viewer, which can be used to display Microsoft Office documents in OnBase. For more information, see the Integrated Office Viewer module reference guide.

Distribution Service Settings

Allows you to configure settings for the Distribution Service. For more information, see the Distribution Service module reference guide.