Creating a Profile - System Administration - On-Premises - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

On-Premises System Administration

System Administration - On-Premises
Foundation 23.1

To create a profile:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Utils | Change Control | Test System Creation. The Test System Creation dialog box is displayed:
  2. In the Profiles pane, click Add new profile:

    The profile configuration settings are displayed, including the current application server, data source, and user:

  3. Enter a unique name for the profile in the Profile Name field.

    The Profile ID for an unsaved profile is 0. The Profile ID of the first saved profile is automatically set to 101, and the Profile ID of each additional saved profile is incremented by 1.

  4. Select a destination database for the created test system from the Destination Database drop-down list.

    If a connection string for the selected database is not configured for the current application server, an error icon is displayed. The profile can be saved with the database selected, but it cannot be executed.

  5. In the Disk Group Paths field, enter the path to the directory to be used for the Disk Groups of the created test system, or click Browse to select it.
  6. In the Install ID field, enter a unique install ID for the created test system, or leave the field blank to generate an ID using the install ID of the source system.
  7. If you have used Environment Value Management (EVM) to create a value set of preconfigured environment values, use the Destination Value Set drop down to select the value set to use for the created test system.
  8. To populate the created test system with documents from the source system, select the Test Documents tab.
    1. Do one of the following:
      • Select Custom Queries to use documents returned by a Custom Query. Select one or more Custom Queries from the Available in Source list and click Add selected queries. All documents returned by the selected custom queries will be copied to the created test system.

        In the Maximum Results Per Custom Query field, enter the number of documents to use from each selected Custom Query. For example, if the value is 100, the 100 most recent documents returned from each selected Custom Query will be copied to the created test system.


        Custom Queries shown in the Available in Source list are limited to Custom Queries to which you are assigned and that return at least one document in the source system.

        To remove a Custom Query from the Selected list, double-click it.

      • Select Recent Documents to use documents of specific Document Types. Select one or more Document Types from the Available Document Types list and click Add selected document types.

        In the Maximum Results Per Document Type field, enter the number of documents to use from each selected Document Type. For example, if the value is 100, the 100 most recent documents from each selected Document Type will be copied to the created test system.


        Document Types shown in the Available Document Types list are limited to Document Types to which you are assigned and that contain at least one document in the source system.

        To remove a Document Type from the Selected Document Types list, double-click it.

    2. Select Remove Documents from Disk Group to copy the document information and replace each document in the Disk Group with an empty text file, which will keep metadata (such as keyword values) but remove any potentially sensitive page data.
  9. Select the User Settings tab to configure settings specific to user accounts in the created test system.
  10. To exclude all Non-System accounts from being created in the test system, select Remove Non-System user accounts.
  11. To reset passwords for all user accounts in the created test system, on the User Accounts tab, select Reset All User Passwords and enter a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
  12. If the user running the Application Server does not have write access to the destination Disk Group paths, on the Credentials tab, select Use specified credentials for destination Disk Group access. In the User and Password fields, enter the credentials for a user with write access to the destination Disk Group paths.
  13. Click Save.

    Once a profile has been saved, it can be deleted by selecting it and clicking Remove profile from the Profiles pane.