The TC/TCE Process Automation for PeopleSoft BPA is comprised of three distinct solutions:
External Course Upload- posts a student's external transcript data into PeopleSoft in real time. For more information, see External Course Upload Solution.
Equivalency Rules Verification- checks for existing Course Equivalency Rules in PeopleSoft in real time. For more information, see Equivalency Rules Verification Solution.
Equivalency Rules Upload- send a request from OnBase to create new Course Equivalency Rules in PeopleSoft. For more information, see Equivalency Rules Upload Solution.
You must correctly set up your Integration Broker before you can install and use any of the TCE solutions.
The TC/TCE Process Automation for PeopleSoft BPA is comprised of EIS, Application Client Connector, and Workflow. For more information on configuration and usage of these modules, see the appropriate Module Reference Guide.