Beginning in OnBase 15, the Integration for Esri ArcGIS Server module has been renamed as the Integration for Esri module. If you are using the Integration for Esri ArcGIS Server module and upgrading to the Integration for Esri module in OnBase Foundation 22.1, consider the following:
As of OnBase 15, the GIS HTML5 Sample Application and the GIS Mobile Sample Application are no longer supported. To access this functionality after upgrading, you must use the GIS Web API.
The GIS Silverlight Sample Application, the Silverlight Esri Viewer, and the Silverlight Cityworks Plugin have been replaced with their JavaScript counterparts: the OnBase GIS Web API Test Harness/Sample Application, the OnBase Widget for Esri’s Application Builder, and the OnBase Widget for Cityworks JavaScript Map, respectively.
As of OnBase 18, the Application Server is shipped with the required ArcGIS Runtime SDK included. To make use of the OnBase Mapping functionality, however, the ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.7 must be installed on any local workstations that will use Unity Mapping. An ArcGIS Online (AGOL) account is also required to access certain options for OnBase Mapping functionality in Unity.
As of OnBase 17, importing, static linking, downloading a zip file, and Workflow access via the WCF service or GIS Web API will require a session.
As of OnBase 16, all configuration that is done using the GIS Configuration Utility will be saved into the database. This includes configuring Layer Mappings for the GIS Web API and ArcMap integration, as well as configuration for OnBase Mapping. Configuration XML files from previous versions can be saved into the database using the import functionality of the GIS Configuration Utility.
As of OnBase 16, configuration can be created at a User Group level.
As of OnBase 18, more than one geocoder can be configured per database to capture geolocation coordinates.