OnBase supports ANSI, UTF-8, and UTF-16 text encodings for HTML files. When HTML files are imported into OnBase, the type of encoding being used in the files is determined by one of the following factors:
Byte Order Mark (BOM) specified in the HTML file
Value assigned to the charset tag in the HTML file
Default encoding for the HTML file as determined by the assigned file type:
If the file type is HTML, the default encoding is set to the local ANSI code page.
If the file type is HTML Unicode, the default encoding is set to UTF-8.
OnBase checks for these factors in the above order of precedence. If neither a BOM nor a value for the charset tag is specified in the HTML file, a default encoding is assigned.
When creating an HTML file with a Unicode encoding, it is considered a best practice to specify a BOM. This will help to ensure that OnBase correctly detects the encoding on import.