From a Shared Folder Add or Update Steps - Unity Briefcase - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Unity Briefcase

Unity Briefcase
Foundation 24.1

If you are adding or updating a From a Shared Folder deployment, the Configure Folder Share dialog is displayed:

  1. The default Deployment Folder path is displayed. The Deployment Folder is the folder to which the application files are copied. Click Change to select a different folder.

    If you are updating an existing deployment, you cannot change the Deployment Folder. If you create a new instance with a different Deployment Folder, the old deployment is not updated and the package must be redeployed to client machines under the new Deployment Folder location.


    Files in the Deployment Folder selected are overwritten.

  2. Enter a Share Name in the field provided. This is the name that the Deployment Folder will be shared as to users.

    The Share Name must be unique. You cannot enter the name of an existing share. If you are updating an existing instance, you cannot change the Share Name.

  3. Enter the External Name of the server hosting the Deployment Folder selected, or accept the default value presented. This is the name users will use to access the server. The default value is the machine name of the machine containing the shared folder.

    The External Name field is only available if Advanced Mode is selected on the Welcome to the Deployment Creation Wizard dialog. If you are updating an existing instance, you cannot change the External Name.

  4. Click Next. The Folder Share Permissions dialog is displayed:

    This dialog allows you to add or remove the users and groups that have read access to the Deployment Folder. By default, the local Everyone group is given read access.


    Read access is required for users to be able to install and upgrade the deployed application.

  5. Click Add to add additional users or groups, or select a user or group to remove and click Remove to remove it. If the users and groups presented are acceptable, proceed to the next step.

    If you click Add, the Select Users and Groups dialog is displayed:

    Select the Domain or Workspace to find users and groups under from the drop-down list, then enter a User Group or Name to search for in the field provided, and click Search. Leave the User or Group Name field empty to locate all available accounts.

    Select the user or group to add from the Search Results, then click OK. Repeat as necessary to configure your Folder Share Permissions.

  6. Click Next after configuring your Folder Share Permissions. The Package Extraction dialog is displayed, which displays the progress of the installation.
  7. Click Next when the extraction has completed. The General Settings dialog is displayed, but the Create Desktop Shortcuts option is only available for new deployments.

    The General Settings dialog is not displayed for all modules, depending on the type of application being deployed. For example, desktop shortcuts cannot be created for the Microsoft Office add-ins so the General Settings dialog is not displayed.

  8. Click Next. Go to the Service Location and Deployment Configuration steps to complete the installation.