Offline E-Form Design Considerations - Unity Briefcase - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Unity Briefcase

Unity Briefcase
Foundation 24.1

Offline E-Forms are used in conjunction with the Unity Briefcase and Integration for Netsmart Homecare modules. When configuring E-Forms for offline use, there are some special design considerations. The following are special considerations and limitations of offline E-Forms.

  • Virtual E-Forms are supported, but are not recommended.

  • Signatures applied using the Signature Pad Interface or Digital Signatures module are not supported.

  • Electronic Forms that reference external resources most likely will not have access to those resources when used offline. To ensure the integrity of offline E-Forms that use cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, embed these in the E-Form. To embed an image within a E-Form, unless the image file is stored locally on the client machine, you must use Base64 encoding to make the image available offline.


    Rendering Base64 encoded images is dependent upon your browser.

  • When an Electronic Form is used offline, the assignment of the auto-increment keyword is deferred on newly created forms until those forms are synchronized. When the form is synchronized and the form is uploaded and stored into OnBase, the auto-increment keyword is assigned at that point. Auto-increment keywords may be used in offline solutions, but they should not be considered useful on forms created in the field. The keyword should only be considered useful to facilitate the online processes once the form is uploaded.

  • Keyword Data Sets embedded within the Electronic Form can be used. Offline forms will not have access to data sets that are external to the form.

  • The OBBtn_AutoSave button is not supported in offline forms. External AutoFill Keyword Sets also are not supported.

  • The OBBtn_CrossReference button is not supported.

  • The OBBtn_xRefItemnum button is not supported.

  • The OBBtn_CQ## button is not supported.

  • Embedding images stored in OnBase is not supported.

  • Using revisable Document Types for offline E-forms may cause unexpected results. It is considered a best practice to use Unity Forms if revisable Document Type functionality is required for forms within a Unity Briefcase solution.