Folios are created and configured in the OnBase Unity Client. You cannot create folios, edit folio configuration, or delete folios in the Unity Briefcase.
To create and configure folios in the Unity Client:
- Select the Briefcase tab.
Click the My Briefcase button:
- The Folios layout is displayed.
- Click Create.
The Folios dialog box is displayed:
- Type a name for the folio in the Folio Name field.
Select an icon for the folio from the Icon drop-down list. The selected icon is displayed.
If you do not assign an icon to a folio, the default briefcase icon is used.
Select from the following options:
System Folio
Note:The System Folio option is only available to members of User Groups with System Folio Configuration Rights.
Select to make this folio a system folio. System folios are folios that are available to all users who are members of the User Groups assigned to the folio.
Deselect this to create a non-system folio. Non-system folios are only available to the user who created it.
Note:The System Folio option cannot be changed after folio creation. When editing a folio, the System Folio option is no longer available.
When this option is selected, the User Groups tab is available. Select this tab to assign the User Groups that should have access to this folio. Select the User Groups from the Available User Groups list and click:
If all OnBase User Groups should have access to this folio, click:
The User Groups that have access to this system folio are displayed in the Selected User Groups list.
Note:If you create a System Folio but are not a member of any User Groups assigned to it, that folio will not be available to you.
Group Documents By Document Type
Select if the documents in this folio should be grouped by Document Type.
Note:Only administrators can modify configuration settings for system folios.
- Click OK.
The Folios layout displays the folio:
If you created a system folio, the following icon is displayed atop the icon you selected in step 7: