Forms - Unity Briefcase - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Unity Briefcase

Unity Briefcase
Foundation 24.1

When a form conflict is selected in the Changed Items pane, the Merge Action pane displays an editable version of the form from the workstation's database in the left pane. A read-only version of the form from the OnBase database appears in the right pane.

To resolve form conflicts:

  1. Review both forms. Conflicting items are highlighted in yellow on the form in the right pane.
  2. If modifications are necessary, make any modifications to the form in the left pane. If no modifications are necessary, skip to step 3.

    If the form contains signature fields and the form is signed offline and then modified, the signature becomes invalid.

  3. Click one of the following buttons:



    Above left pane

    Click to upload the copy of the form in the left pane into OnBase.

    Above right pane

    Click to discard the copy of the form in the left pane and use the copy of the form in the right pane.

  4. After all form conflicts have been resolved, click one of the following buttons:



    Accept Changes and Continue Synchronization

    Click to accept any conflict resolution changes and continue the synchronization process.

    Cancel Synchronization and Make Changes to Data

    Click to discard any conflict resolution changes and cancel the synchronization process.

  5. You are prompted to confirm your selection. Click Yes to confirm. Click No to continue to review the conflicting forms.