Before you begin working with documents in the Unity Briefcase, ensure that you are familiar with Unity Client functionality. This functionality is outlined in the Unity Client module reference guide.
Working with documents in the Unity Briefcase differs from working with documents in the Unity Client. Because the Unity Briefcase does not maintain a connection to OnBase, a subset of Unity Client functionality is available when working with documents in the Unity Briefcase. Specifically:
The following buttons are the only buttons available on the Document tab in the Unity Briefcase:
Note:Keyword Values are read-only. You cannot remove, add, or change Keyword Values.
Notes (including Notes Gallery)
Externally linked resources for forms, such as images, will not render in the Unity Briefcase.
Keyword-based XML documents are rendered with the style sheet that matches the status keyword at the time of synchronization. They cannot be updated in the Unity Briefcase.
XML documents with multiple style sheet definitions are rendered with the default style sheet at the time of synchronization. They cannot be changed in the Unity Briefcase.
Staples cannot be created in the Unity Briefcase.
Column heading filter settings cannot be saved in the Unity Briefcase.
Editing of documents is disabled when working with multi-page documents in the Unity Briefcase.
Revisable Document Types are not supported in the Unity Briefcase.
The online database is the system of record. Any conflicts that cannot be resolved during synchronization will retain the information present in the online database.