Note - Unity Client - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Unity Client

Unity Client
Foundation 23.1

A note is an explanation or instruction that can be attached to text or image documents. Notes are used to draw attention to content, clarify or explain items, or identify the current state of the document.

You can place a note on a text or image document. Notes remain associated with the page on which they were created, unless they were otherwise configured. For example, if the note was created on page 1 of a two-page document, the note icon appears only on page 1.


If an image document, or page is dragged-and-dropped into another image document, then all notes associated with the first document/page are lost. However, if an image document is appended to an existing image document during indexing via matching Keyword Values, then any notes on that document/page are retained once it is appended to the existing document.

Notes are displayed on all renditions of a document.


A note has a maximum character length of 250 characters. If a note appears truncated, it is because the note has been configured to use variable text. The variable text is causing the note to exceed the maximum character length of 250 characters. If you are experiencing truncated notes, contact your system administrator.