One or More of the Selected Documents Could Not Be Sent - Unity Client - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Unity Client

Unity Client
Foundation 24.1

When attempting to send an external email in the Unity Client using Microsoft Outlook, the following message is displayed: One or more of the selected documents could not be sent. Clicking Show Details displays the following: The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit [ OnBase document's Auto-Name string].


This issue occurs because the size of the OnBase documents attached to the external email message exceeds the mail system's attachment size limit. When sending an email with multiple documents attached, ensure the cumulative size of the documents is less than the mail system's attachment size limit. If the mail system's attachment size limit is exceeded, documents with a cumulative size less than the limit will be attached to the email message and documents whose sizes cause the email message to exceed the limit will not be attached. For example, if the attachment size limit is 100 MB and Attachment A is 40 MB, Attachment B is 30 MB, Attachment C is 50 MB, and Attachment D is 20 MB, Attachment C will not be attached to the email.