Each document stored in OnBase has an associated Document Type, Document Date, and optional Keyword Types. This information is usually entered when a document is first imported into OnBase upon indexing.
You can change this associated information using the Re-Index feature.
Note the following information before re-indexing documents:
Ensure you understand the effects of re-indexing documents before proceeding. For more information, see Considerations for Re-Indexing Documents and Adding or Modifying Keyword Values.
You can also change Keyword Values by right-clicking the document, selecting Keywords, and entering new Keyword Values in the appropriate fields. Re-indexing allows you to change the Document Type in addition to Keyword Values.
Once re-indexed, documents can be retrieved using only the new Keyword Values.
Users without the Document/Folder Purge or the APIadministrative privilege do not purge the original document after re-indexing it. Instead, a rendition of the original document is created.
Users without the Access Restricted Keywords privilege are unable to re-index documents between Document Types that include the same Keyword Type at different restriction levels. For example, if Keyword Type A is configured as read-only or hidden for Document Type A and not for Document Type B, a restricted user cannot re-index a Document Type A document to be Document Type B, and vice versa.
To re-index a document: