The Forms Designer allows the easy creation of useful, user-configured and error-free form templates that will not require custom scripting, making forms easy to maintain. This designer includes drag and drop control creation for form fields, including Keyword Type value fields. Also, repeating sections with Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group values can be easily configured.
In the Designer, multiple page forms can be created. This allows you to group pertinent information onto a page and control who can access the page, adding another layer of security to a form. In addition, the Designer provides layout flexibility. Using panels, columns can be created to format data, adding an additional layer of layout control within pages.
The Designer has also added the ability to store data in non-keyword fields. Using XML, users can store data on a form without having to map each value to a Keyword Type.
Field validation can be defined in the Designer. This allows the form designer to configure what type of value a field should contain and then can be validated in the Client. Field validation can be configured for the following data types: currency, dates, numeric values, and alphanumeric values.