Configuring Unity Form Integrations - Unity Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Unity Forms

Unity Forms
Foundation 24.1

You can pre-populate Unity Form fields with information from third-party systems. In order to accomplish this, you must configure an integration for the form's template.

To configure an integration:

  1. In the Forms Designer, click Integrations within the Designer ribbon. The Integrations dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the create button above the Integrations section.
  3. To change the name of the integration, click the Edit button next to the integration and edit the appropriate name.
  4. Select the template(s) you want to integrate with from the Available Templates box and click the Add Selected Items arrow to move the template(s) to the Integrated Templates box. You can use the Find Template fields to find the template(s) you want to use or templates you have already assigned to the integration.

    Only published versions of templates are available from this box.


    Workflow forms are not available for selection in the Integrations dialog box

  5. Next to an integrated template, click Configure Fields. The Form Fields dialog box is displayed.
  6. Select the form field(s) from the Available Form Fields box and click the Add Selected Items arrow to move the field(s) to the Pre-populated Form Fields box. You can click the Add All Items arrow to move all fields to the Pre-populated Form Fields box.

    Only fields that are text boxes, check boxes, select lists, or multiline text boxes can be configured for an integration.


    Only fields that are on the latest published version will be available.

  7. When all the appropriate fields are configured, click OK.
  8. Configure the appropriate form fields for each template selected as an integration template.
  9. When all templates are configured correctly, click Save.

    When you make a change to an integration while a form is open, the changes are saved upon clicking Save and is independent from publishing the form. If you change an integration associated with an open form, relaunch the form without publishing it to ensure changes to the integration configuration are respected.

You can delete an integration by clicking the Edit button to the right of the integration name in the Integrations box within the Integrations dialog box, then click the Delete button, and then click Save.