Creating form templates allows administrators to customize the layout and design of a form at its initial creation and then publish that form template so that every user who has access to the form will see the same form every time they access it.
To create a form template:
- Select the Designer tab.
Click Create in the Manage ribbon group. The Create Form Template dialog box is displayed.
From the Form Target drop-down list, select the type of object that is created when an end user submits a form of this form template type.
If you are not licensed for Workflow, the Form Target drop-down list is not displayed since only the Document form template is available to use.
Select Document to configure the form template to create forms as documents.
Select Workflow to configure the form template to create forms as Workflow objects.
Note the following limitations related to this type of form template:
To be able to configure Workflow form templates, you must be licensed for Workflow and have either the All Life Cycles or Assigned Life Cycles Workflow Configuration User Group configuration right. For more information on licensing and rights, see the System Administration module reference guide.
Workflow forms can only be configured within the Create HTML Form (Unity Form) Workflow action in OnBase Studio. For more information, see the OnBase Studio module reference guide.
- Select a Document Type Group from the Filter by Document Type Group drop-down list to narrow the Document Types available for selection.
- Select the Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list. This is the Document Type forms that originate from this form template are stored in.
- Enter a template name in the Template Name field. A value for this field is required and is limited to 80 characters.
Select a theme from the Theme drop-down list to apply to the new form template. By default the Modern Gray (System) theme is selected. There are various system preset themes available.
Also, user-configured themes are available for selection. For more information on designing a custom theme, see Configuring Themes.
- Select Add Keywords to add all of the Keyword Types assigned to the selected Document Type as fields on the form template.
- Click OK to create the new form template.