The parameter separator is locale-specific with respect to international users. In all non-English locales, the parameter separator is a semicolon (;) instead of a comma (,). In Arabic, the parameter separator is the dash (-). For example, if the expression used is sum([repeatername],[fieldname]) in English, it would be sum([repeatername];[fieldname]) in Spanish.
When calculating date fields, non-English locales use semicolons (;) is used to separate date values in functions. For example, in English the function would be date(2011,11,22). In a non-English locale, it is date(2011;11;22). In case of non-Gregorian calendars, the date calculations are only updated after the form is submitted. The date selection control is not supported for non-Gregorian calendars. A masked field is available for entering dates in non-Gregorian calendars instead.