Properties - Unity Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Unity Forms

Unity Forms
Foundation 24.1

Each control type has a set of properties that can be used to define a control.

You can edit the properties of an added control. To edit the properties of a control:

  1. Select the Pointer option in the Toolbox window.
  2. Click on the control in the editor that you want to edit.
  3. The Properties window will display the properties options available for the type of control that was selected.
  4. Make the appropriate property changes.

The following properties are available for all control types:




The ID name for the field. This ID value should be unique.

Note: IDs stored in the system are not case-sensitive. They cannot be identical, irrespective of the character case. For example, “FieldName” and “fieldname” are considered to be identical and therefore cannot be used on the same form. To ensure uniqueness of IDs, always use different set of characters.

The following limitations apply for entering ID values:

  • You cannot paste into the ID field.

  • You cannot type more than 75 characters into ID field.

  • You cannot type spaces into the ID field.

  • You cannot type characters not allowed in the current language you have selected for naming an HTML field.

  • Valid characters for IDs: [a-z][A-Z][0-9].

  • ID names must start with [a-z] or [A-Z].

  • Special characters cannot be entered as part of an ID name.

Each field control has the following option:



Control Type

The type of control associated with the field. You can change a field's control type by selecting an option from this drop-down list.

Fields that data is entered into have the following properties available. Some properties are dependent on the Data Type selected for the field:



Data Type

The data type associated with the field. The options are: Text, Numeric (Up to 9 Digits), Numeric (Up to 20 Digits), Floating Point, Date, or Currency.


This property is not editable for fields configured as System Properties.

Date Range


Available when configuring a Date field.

The range of dates the field can accept as a valid date. To configure this range, click the ellipse button next to the field. See Date Fields for more information.

Default Value

The value associated with the field by default.

The maximum number of characters respects the character length of the Keyword Type associated with the field or the value of the Max Length field property, depending on the field's configuration.


When configuring a check box, enter the value of the Check Value property in the Default Value property field if you want the check box to be selected by default. Entering any other value will leave the check box not selected by default.


When configuring a multiline text box field, the maximum number of characters that can be configured for a default value is 255 characters. Characters exceeding this limit will be truncated.

When using Workflow forms, default values will be loaded when a field that has a default value configured does not have a value. In addition, The Fill form fields with keyword and property values option, within the Display HTML Form (Unity Form) action, must be selected for default values to be populated.

Display Size


This is available for the following controls: Calculated Field, Text Box, Keywords, Properties, and Select List.

The width of a field.

When a control is added to a form, the value is 0. 0 represents the default size for a browser's input field size.

The minimum value that can be entered is 1. The maximum value is dependent on the size of the container the control is within. If a value greater than the maximum size allowed for a container is entered, the control width will adjust to the maximum value allowed for the container.

The number entered is approximately the number of characters the control can contain. Depending on the font used in the control, more or less characters than the number specified can be entered in the control.

Field Source

The storage location for a field value. If the field is a non-keyword field, Disk Group (XML) is displayed. If the field is a keyword field, the Keyword Type is displayed. If the field is a System Property field, the System Property name is displayed.

When configuring a Workflow form, the Field Source will default to Workflow Property. This allows you to use a Workflow property to populate the field. You must specify the name of the property you want to use in the Property Name field. Only non-array values are supported.


Workflow Property fields cannot be configured with a repeating section.


A Workflow property can only by used in one field within a form.


If the Workflow property you use contains an array, the first value in the array is the value that will be used in the form. After the user submits the form, if the new array is made up of only 1 element, then it will be converted to a string.

If the field in a Workflow form is not tied to a Workflow property, select Temporary for the Field Source. Fields configured as Temporary will not store or load data in the form. The fields are to be used in conjunction with custom actions, unity scripts, and calculated fields to drive dynamic functionality on the form.

You can edit the field source by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down list. Keyword Types that are available for the form and are currently not used on the form will be available for selection. If no Keyword Types are available, No Available Keywords is displayed in the drop-down list.

When a change to the Field Source is made to a Keyword Type, the data type will also be updated to reflect the data type the Keyword Type is configured for. When a data type is changed, applicable properties for the field will also update based on the data type configured.


The Field Source for System Property fields cannot be edited.


The Field Source cannot be edit for fields in tables, repeaters, or nested repeaters. The Field Source cannot be edited for fields configured with auto-numbering.

Field Source (continued)


If a field source is edited, test all calculated field and custom action configurations the field impacts. In addition, if your form uses AutoFill Keyword Sets or Data Sets, test your form's configuration in test drive after editing field sources.


When changing the field source to a new Keyword Type, if the current Max Length is 0 or set to a number greater than the Keyword Type's maximum length, the field's Max Length is set to the Keyword Type's maximum length.


When changing the field source to a new Keyword Type, if it has a mask, the mask is copied to the Mask property field. If the new Keyword Type does not have a mask configured, the current value for the Mask property is retained.


When changing the field source, the Full Field Entry Required, Required, and Value Must Exist in Data Set property fields will retain the Keyword Types setting, if set to true, within the property field. If the newly selected Keyword Type is not set to true for these settings, the property fields' values will be retained for each setting not set to true.


When changing the field source to a currency Keyword Type, the currency format from the Keyword Type, if it has one, is set in the Currency property field if there is no format currently configured for the property. If the Currency property is already configured, the value will be retained.

Property Conversion Error Action


This option is only available when configuring a field configured with a Field Source of Workflow Property.

You can select either Hide property value or Display property value from the drop-down list.

When Hide property value is selected, values that do not meet the field requirements that exist in the specified Workflow property is not displayed. If a user adds a value to the field manually, it will overwrite the value stored.

When Display property value is selected, values that do not meet the field requirements that exist in the specified Workflow property is displayed in the field. In this case, the field is invalid after the form loads.

Full Field Entry Required


Available when configuring an alphanumeric data type. This is not available for Multiline fields.

When this property is selected on a field configured for masking, full values must be entered into the field. Partial or blank values are not valid entries when this option is set and the form cannot be saved until the full value is entered.


Fields configured with masking previous to this enhancement will have this option selected by default. This will persist until the option is deselected and the form is republished.



Available when configuring a Text field. This property is only available when configuring text box and select list controls.

The masking configured for a field. To configure a mask for an alphanumeric or numeric data field, click the edit button next to the property. See Alphanumeric Fields or Numeric Fields for more information.

Clear Value When Empty

This option is available for fields configured with masks. When selected, when the field is empty or contains only spaces, spaces will be removed from the field to ensure the field is truly empty, allowing custom actions requiring empty fields to be run correctly.

Max Length


Available when configuring a Text field. This property is only available for text box and select list controls.

The maximum number of characters allowed in the field. See Alphanumeric Fields for more information.

Numeric Range


Available when configuring a Numeric or Floating Point field. This property is only available for text box and select list controls.

The range of numeric values in which the field can accept as a valid value. To configure this range, click the ellipse button next to the field. See Currency Fields for more information.


The selected form control is displayed as read-only. Fields, sections, and pages can be set to display as read-only.


Marking a field mapped to a Keyword Type as read-only will not prevent a user from altering the values in the keyword panel. Keyword Types must be set as read-only at the Document Type level to prevent users from altering values in the keyword panel.


Expanding AutoFill Keyword Sets will fill Keyword Types fields configured as read-only even if the user does not have the Access Restricted Keywords privilege.


The field is required. When this property is not selected, the field is not required.


This property is not available for fields configured as a System Property field.


If a field is added that is associated with a Keyword Type which is required on the Form's Document Type, the Required property is selected by default.


If a field is configured to be both read-only and required, the required setting is ignored. In the event the field is not populated automatically, the form would not be able to be submitted if the required option was respected because the field could not be edited so that it contained data.