Viewing Revisions - Unity Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Unity Forms

Unity Forms
Foundation 24.1

This tab displays a list of revisions for the selected form template. When a form template is published or saved as a draft, it is given a revision number. The revisions list is in descending order by default so that the most recent revision is the first revision listed. You can change the revisions list order when needed. The most recent published revision is the revision that users can access. The published revision that users can access to create forms is also shown under the form template name in the Open Form Template dialog box.

Five columns are displayed in this tab: Revision, Status, Created By, Created, and Comment. These columns can be shown or hidden by clicking the Column Chooser icon in the top-left corner of this tab. In the Column Chooser dialog box, you can show or hide columns.


If no comment was written for a revision, you can add one by clicking the Click to add a comment. link in the Comment column. A dialog box is displayed where you can write a comment for that revision.

Double-click on a revision from the revisions list to open it in the Designer pane.