Updating to the Original Revision - Unity Forms - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Premier - Standard

Unity Forms

Unity Forms
Foundation 24.1

You can pick specific form instances to update to update them to the original form template. To update instances to their original form template:

  1. From the Form Instance Update Configuration wizard, click Original Revision.
  2. Select the form template revision for which you would like to update its instances to their original template revision.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. A Validation screen will display any warnings or errors that are encountered while trying to update the selected form instances. If you encounter an error, you will not be able to complete the update. You can continue with warnings, but review these warnings to ensure these changes are acceptable for your solution.If no issues were found, a message stating No issues were found for this form instance update process. is displayed.
  5. Click Continue. A review screen is displayed. If you need to edit your update parameters, click Back.
  6. To complete the update, click Begin Update.
  7. Upon successful completion, a screen displayed noting the process is complete and a provides a link to the verification report for the process. Click on the link to access the verification report.
  8. When finished, click Finish.